Woodrow is seriously pissing me off now. For a supposed poacher he never seems to get on the end of anything, hasn't created anything himself in open play since last season, just saunters about not winning anything and goes missing on the rare occasion a ball goes into box. Deserves to be dropped.
He’s been on the end of plenty and done fek all about it he even list the ball when it was easier to keep it .
He deserves a few games with the U23s but why make them suffer. He's a useless bone idle poor excuse for a professional football and the club think he's captain material, says it all really
I'm not his greatest fan, but that statement is just bonkers. He needs a couple of games away to refocus, that's all. Useless, bone idle and poor excuse for a footballer are a tad extreme.
Woodrow's lack of effort is embarrassing. Sure he jogs around a lot but fêck me he simply refuses to make a proper challenge whether it's for an aerial ball or one on the deck. He either throws himself to the floor, pushes the opposition player to the floor or makes sure he gets the wrong side of the player so he can just jog behind them for a second or two and give the impression of trying. He flat out refuses to jump for a header His passes are lazy and weak with no conviction. And if there's a loose ball available he watches it roll by him. Sticks out a leg or does a half stretch knowing he won't get it because he has only put half the effort into it. The sooner he's out of the squad the better. We're carrying an absolute passenger based on his performances two seasons ago.
Nobody seems to have the balls to sub him he’s been our worst forward in the last two games but played every minute .
Overall I think he's been our worst this season. Frieser has been much improved and should feel hard done to that he's dropped. Cole has shown glimpses. Victor doesn't look the most skilful but extremely lively. Iseke, poor today but been pretty good since he got a run. Woodrow, takes a good penalty and played well 2 years back
Hes been poor last couple games admitted ….to say hes our worst ?….you haven’t a clue mate….does need a game on bench maybe but our worst??….like a sed you ent a clue