'Finding Jack Charlton'. If you have not seen this then I can totally reccomend it. Great viewing, and quite moving too.
Watched it on the iPlayer a while ago, very sad indeed. I have a friend who's about 70 and has started showing signs of dementia over the last couple of years and we went out for a drink on friday night. I'd start a conversation by saying something like "do you remember the night we...." and all I get is a blank look and a sad shake of the head. It's a truly awful thing.
my departed Mother in law started to show signs, she sadly departed us Dec 21 2020. She is missed yes, but was not subjected to the illness too severely. She was 84.
The last time I saw my mum alive in 2015, after an hour, I got up to leave and I looked her in the face and said "Do you know who I am?". She looked at me and said "Is it Eric?". My name is Brian and as far as I know we have never had an Eric in our family or in the circle of family friends......
Bless you both. That’s heartbreaking to read. I’m not sure I can bring myself to watch it to be honest.
Definitely worth a watch although difficult if you are affected personally it's also about the positive and the love and affection Jack had from the irish nation do give it a try I am sure you will enjoy.
when you put it like that I might have it a go! Not affected personally thank goodness. It’s just so sad to see people so full of life and personality change so dramatically.
Cruel illness watched a close friends mum disappear before our eyes but you've still got your memories of the person they were and Jack's family were lucky enough to have them well documented not least by Jack himself kept loads of notes on players and feelings on subjects the thread runs through the documentary.
It is a horrible illness... my Mom walked into the room I was in and said “oh, I was looking for Mark”..... I’m Mark and she had no idea who I was, it broke my heart.
I also have experience of this with my grandma, who went downhill with it over a number of years, starting when she was relatively young. Her memory was already getting quite fuzzy by her late 60's to early 70's, and by the time she died aged 79, her short term memory was non-existent. The last time I saw her she recognised me which was a huge relief, but she literally asked me the same question every two or three minutes. Curiously, in between the same question about the Russian weather, she recounted in great detail a trip to Butlins in Filey, where she ate fish and chips with her sisters and then fell in the boating lake, much to everyone's amusement. That trip to Butlins was in 1947.
Very moving programme, lovely bloke jack was and what a player / manager too . Terrible illness and it must be awful for all concerned
A really good watch, very sad to see his decline. Didn't realise the impact he had, not only on Irish football but the Irish nation itself.
That struck me too. How well the football team was doing and how much it did for the nation. Take note ALL owners of BFC.
My Uncle Colin got early onset dementia and died in a care home. He still had a bit left and wanted to die. He stored his meds in his draw and refused to eat. All his savings went to the care home and his house was also sold by the Council. His belongings...The Council gave my Dad and his other two brothers the key for a week to get out what they wanted. The rest the Council claimed. It isn't just the illness. It's the scavengers that home in that make me sick too.
Apologies if you too that as a swipe. I was just highlighting the mood of an area/Town/Nation can't be underestimated based on how well such as a football club/Country is performing. Jack made such a difference, and what a legacy he has because of it. I might have misplaced the post in a way deemed inappropriate, it wasn't intended.
Fair enough, Just find it tiresome that threads totally unrelated to the ownership problem are being hijacked.