Would quite happily live on the dark side of the moon right now
I get that, but it still sounds a bit daft. It's a bit like diagnosing someone with a severe case of Cigarettes, when they actually have lung cancer.
It is a bit daft and I presume it was done to make a point. But it is a valid point. And it was my understanding that it was just listed as an underlying cause/contributing factor as opposed to a diagnosis. And you would usually include such things as smoking status and other lifestyle factors on medical records. I've definitely seen dafter stuff written.
A slight tangent to this. I've been watching the "shark" programme on Sky Nature. I've always loved watching programmes of the natural world, but there's been a significant shift in the last 5-10 years as manmade disaster unfolds. Several points made so far in the programme that might bot be as widely know. That in the next 15 years, the plastic in our oceans is expected to double. And by 2050, by weight, there is expected to be more plastic in the seas than fish. I mean just think about that. There was also a feature on the Maldives and an island that is just rubbish. It's known locally as Trash Island and until this year, 330 tonnes of rubbish A DAY were being dumped on it, much of which just slides off into the ocean, plastics included. I've been watching COP fairly closely and I can't tell you just how demoralised I am by it. Even the most ambitious of countries aren't doing enough and I think it's nigh on impossible that the climate is going to be kept within 1.5 degrees. I suspect 3-4 is more likely. And given the extent of destruction through fire and flood and the damage already done at just 1.2 degrees, the level of carnage we're going to experience is probably hard for us to imagine. There will be many millions, maybe even billions who are going to see their futures impinged because of climate change in one way or another.
It's more like telling someone their breathing issues are caused by smoking when there's nothing else obviously wrong.
In my opinion it's bat **** crazy. Underlying cause of long term heart failure and diabetes is climate change? Nowt to do with old age or the fact she's suffered with asthma all her life and came in with symptoms related to asthma then. The doctor in question is a climate change activist. Nothing wrong with that at all as things need to be changed. However I feel he's using his position as a doctor to add weight to his cause by deliberately trying to link largely unrelated health problems of an elderly lady living in poor conditions
Just because climate change is identified as a contributing factor, doesn't mean that he hasn't also noted the other factors you mention. As I stated in my other post, yes it's a bit daft but the point he makes is valid. It's not like this woman's care will be effected by his actions.