But that would still be 1000 less seats that you can sell tickets for. Not saying it wasn't financially motivated, just if it was, it was a bizarre decision.
The away end has been partitioned off at a reduced allocation so by closing the West they can reallocate stewards to it to increase allocation there and move the West Standers to unfilled seats elsewhere. In theory, providing nobody seeks a refund, it is going to be better for them financially. The Sheff Utd allocation pretty much doubled didn't it which is far more than the 1,000 seats.
To the West Stand, the report refers to gaps in terrace timbers required to be fil ed to prevent debris building up in the void below the decking. Can you confirm that is specifical y happening. If there is specific issue then this should inform the fire risk assessment. The report refers to a raking slab to the stand. It is my recol ection from the works carried out on the repair of gables in 2017 that the slab is stepped on top and that the timber battening supporting the floor boards means that there is not a continuous void running across the stand. Please confirm that this is the actual situation to the whole stand. I look forward to your understanding in respect of the above.
Arguments sake an extra 6000 paying £36 = £216,000 That covers 720 refunds (assuming £300 a ticket) It also means reduced running costs as a result of fewer stewards being required. For this season you can see the logic, longer term may be not so..
I think we'll get to net zero on carbon emissions world wide before the grand opening on the new West Stand. Hope my nephew is still alive to see it. Hopefully there will still be a club...
But they haven't had an extra 6000 paying £36 though. For the Sheff U game there was an extra 2-2.5k paying that, as an initial allocation was already available before the West Stand closed. Derby and Hull were category B/C games, so lower ticket prices, and they sold less tickets than Sheff U. Stewarding costs will be less, but I guess they still need some in the West Stand, while it is still in use. Then there's 1000 people that either get a refund or take a seat that would otherwise be (potentially) sold to another fan. The longer the stand is closed, the less financial sense it would make I would've thought.
Of course it ignores the loss of additional matchday sales - the only seats left now in the ponty and East are by definition the worst remaining and there arent that many of them. part time supporters are far less likely to go if they can only get a poor seat and I am certain matchday sales for the Blunts were less than they would have been with all the faffing about. I do wonder if we would have done this had the club carried on where it left off last season - if we were top 6 we would be expecting to sell more than 12000 home seats ( our current home capacity ) which I am sure we would be doing regularly the more I think about this the more bizarre the decision seems
Not sure how you come to those figures , the three matches that have taken place so far add up to approx 2000 extra away fans in total, being that Notts Forest for example were allowed 2000 fans with the west stand being open & in use , so the total away fans coming through the gate with the west stand closed has been approx 8000 whilst 6000 would have been allowed in with the west stand open , the 2000 fans extra have not all paid £36 per head, when concessions are taken into consideration with tickets as cheap as £5 for juniors & £10 for under 19 "s , the average price per head would be in the region of £20 , therefore the extra money received for peeing off a minimum of 1000 die hard season ticket holders plus pay on the day for the west stand will amount to roughly £40 ,000 , well I hope they think it is worth it because the long term losses from Barnsley"s most faithful fans will out weigh any short term gains these charletons have accrued , they are a disgrace & have treated the west standers with total contempt .
Either It’s a rough estimate of the extra away following for the season or It’s a deliberate attempt to paint the current owners in the worst possible light
I think its a reasonable guess - the blunts sold 2000 extra tickets Hull didint sell any extra and I dont think Derby did either but its not hard to see a over the course of a season a total of an additional 4000 away tickets or even more if we entertain sides with something to play for towards the end of the season over our cap of 2200 or whatever it was. Though that assumes we cant fix the stewarding issue after Xmas of course In any case painting the owners in a bad light doesnt take much work on this topic
True. Regardless of whether the closure was motivated by money, to apply pressure to the stadium owners, or a genuine need to close. The way it's been handled and communicated has been awful.
Let me just point out again that the 3 turnstiles in the red brick perimeter wall that serve the ponty end have remained open throughout. The dangerous wall must know which stand you're going to sit in before it decides whether or not to fall on your head Khaled is either grossly incompetent, knowingly putting people's lives at risk, or a liar. There's no other explanation for leaving the potentially unsafe wall standing if there is a risk it could collapse in a westerly direction onto the public highway whilst simultaneously banning access to the easterly side of the wall put of fears it could collapse.
Wish people would stop banging on about it, can’t blame the owners for closing it…they don’t own the stadium and imagine how unprofitable that stand is, it’s an eyesore and embarrassing. Would you maintain that if you were essentially renting the stadium? Offers no culture or historical appeal to the club in my opinion. Times move on, we need commercial success and profitability to grow the club as a whole that’s how you develop. How many guests do you think attend and think wow that’s an amazing part of the stadium because I bet it’s about zero.
Not sure I should dignify this with a response because you are either a WUM, thick or Worse but that’s total rubbish let alone the legal requirement to maintain it. Just one serious question how do you grow the club when you limit the home fans to a mere 12000