I'm just about toget booted and suited for the service at monk bretton memorial to say goodbye and thank you to those that went before us. and i'd just like to say godbless to all the vets on the board irrespective of the branch you served in ( fly army) but lets no forget the survivors on this day, some are damaged physically, some mentally and are on hard times, we were there for you, now please peeps lets us be there for them
Last night was great and been to the Cenotaph and Chapel for another great remembrance service. We must NEVER forget their sacrifice.
Just returned from the Town centre beautiful service, really well attended and just before the service we went to see the new statues being put in place to commemorate the Brilliance of our wonderful NHS.
I took my Beaver unit down to our local parade. 50 minutes stood in the cold, 6-8 years old bored out of their heads, didn't understand what was going on or why, but they still did it and they were quiet and respectful.