I've supported Barnsley through thin and thin for 55 years. Never ever did I consider that one day I'd give up, but that day is not far off unless these people leave. Had enough.
If I owned the club, and truly cared for the club and it’s supporters, I would find statements, like that, heartbreaking to read. 55 years as a supporter with unquestionable loyalty yet you and others now feel their running of the club makes your support unwelcome or unwanted. It seems the only thing our owners are doing a good job of is alienating their loyal , paying fans. I will continue to go as it is a day out me and my son enjoy. But, in fairness, the only thing we are now supporting is the red shirt. We are lining the pockets of people with zero connection to the club or town and cheering on players who would jump ship in a heartbeat for a small wage rise elsewhere. It really does make you ask yourself ‘What is the point?’.
They are allowed to pay the instalments for purchasing the club out of the profits they make. They can do whatever they like with the profits they make. The issue is their claim not to have taken any money out of the club and whether the instalment is a club expense or a personal expense.
I think the problem is we are not a Manchester United. and taking out 750,000 and presumably if allowed another 5 million pound payments out the clubs running costs a year is a big deal The 750,000 payment helped take the club into a 1.5 million deficit that year. we are not guaranteed to be able to sell players based on last season non sales ,so we are starting off with a large minus on the balance sheet each season which effects wages ,staff numbers, potential players bought etc i think also the fact that everyone knows they will cut and run at some point in the near future and they will sell the club either without out actually paying any of the payments off ( which they may consider rather smart and maybe one of there ploys, sell the club for XX amount keep 80 % give Crynes 20 % without actually paying, borrowing anything )or when they have actually paid it off using the clubs internal funds which people are reacting .very badly to. Doing this without actually moving the club forward in any way at all or doing any of the things they said were going to happen in the press conference when they first arrived here. in fact at the moment it looks very likely the complete opposite is happening unfortunately and we are going backwards.
I am not sure that's the case. i am sure other people more qualified than me will answer this but making your company a LTD company has many benefits i.e Tax ,protection from legal issues etc But the money is classed as the company's not yours and you cannot just take it out and do with it as you please which is or maybe at the ltd companys detriment.
Nolo talk about buying a company in instalments and say: "You'll probably be asked to pay the balance of the sale price by making equal monthly payments over the course of two or three years, or perhaps a bit longer. Try to avoid a shorter payoff period unless it's clear that your new business will produce sufficient profits to allow this.". The only thing I can find about limited companies is "strict procedures must be followed when withdrawing money from the business". It doesn't say you can't.
Just makes one realise how blessed we were when we had some success without these owners. Remember the year long excitement of the premier league promotion season? The anticipation every time we faced the big boys in the premier league? The sense of community? The sense of attachment and belonging? The link from the youngest and oldest fans right through to the chairman of the club? Amazing memories that warm the heart to this day. Now look at us. A shell of a club. A club that treats its own supporters as scum. A vehicle not for making memories but for making money to line a few peoples' pockets. A disgrace of a club. A laughing stock. A shambles. I'm not going anymore. Simple as that.
It was fantastic and then the same people who got us there nearly put the club out of existence and subsequently lost generations of small share holder familes their stake in the club without even consulting them , great times
Never before, not since 1955, have I got to match days with such negative thoughts about the club. Goodness knows we've had to put up with bad football, but for thr first time these owners are driving me away. Hate this feeling.
I agree about subsequent bad management. Personally I think it was rose-tinted panic about getting Barnsley back in the premier league that caused financial imprudence. That's just my view though. I don't think the intent of that ownership is anywhere near the mercenary intent of this mob though, foolish though they were at the time. Again that's my viewpoint and my take on it. This current mob have no interest in fans or community. They've made that apparent for me. You may agree or disagree with me on that.
Still not sorted the £50 worth of vouchers either. I’m not renewing next season now either like many others don’t even enjoy going to the games at the moment.
Would imagine it would depend on what the contract of purchase actually says. As an example if it says’Consortium will pay an initial payment of £x and then the remainder from the club ’ then they have not taken out any money personally and are entitled(legally) to do so. However if the contract said they would pay both amounts then it’s a different thing altogether. Trouble as someone else says no one on here knows which it is.
We know the dispute over the unpaid £2.75m is subject to a High Court case from the documentation that's been posted previously on the forum regarding this. What's not in the public domain is the latest status of this case and the timing of any forthcoming hearings.
Genuine question as I can’t remember and you see so much stuff on here: Is the case about the amount owed or how it’s been/being paid? I thought it was about not having been paid, but seem to recall some saying it was about both the above.
100% this. I have other concerns regarding the owners that might still stop me renewing but this is my non-negotiable one. I don't intend to put money into the club for it to be used to fund the original purchase, or any other liability that wasn't incurred by Barnsley Football Club Limited, and the floodgates have been opened on this. The money needs to be restored and a commitment provided by the owners that no other payment of this nature will be made.
The dispute we have documentation on relates to the unpaid debt. From memory there's reference to another case that we know little about. The Cryne's have made a statement that they don't agree that the club should be funding the purchase instalments, but there's nothing to suggest that this issue is the subject of a legal dispute, as far as I'm aware.