Well there's now plenty of space in the west stand. I doubt that anyone would be allowed in though, since it's been closed. To be fair, Beth has been exceedingly helpful, but her hands are probably tied.
Just sums up the heartless B A S T A R D S who supposedly own the club. The sooner they are driven out the better, before it’s too late.
They own zero of the ground so if the people who own 50 percent each want to let someone in I doubt they can stop them.
Update: The great @YTBFC has been in touch regarding the issue with the flag, and he's made it very clear that the Cryne family very much enjoy seeing the flag in position on match days and it means a lot to them. During the coming week I'll be discussing a couple of ideas with the club about how we can ensure the flag remains on view and is better protected. Once we've sorted something out, I'll post details on here. In the meantime, thanks to Whitey, Beth and their back-room colleagues for their hard work at the club, I'm sure we all appreciate the effort they are putting in.