POYA ASBAGHI ON A VARIETY OF TOPICS Interviews Attending his first press conference late this afternoon, our new head coach had lots to say to the assembled media at Oakwell. Continue reading on the official site...
That's the most articulate first press conference we have had for years so he shouldn't have any difficulty getting his message across. Lets hope the message is the right one.
The thing that pleases me is he made a point of playing players in roles that suit them, it felt like he was acknowledging that it hasn’t always been the case. Fingers crossed the days of Moon in midfield and the constant chopping and changing elsewhere are over.
The lines have been blurred with Cauley for so long I’ve no idea what he’s meant to be or where he should play any more!
top stuff poya. looks like he will be a hard task master. a good nod to spud also. Nice touch. I'm reckoning things will start to change for the better.
Comes across as a thoroughly decent bloke and a knowledgeable one at that. Tough season ahead but from that 45 minutes press conference alone I feel far more confident than I ever did under the previous manager.
He had me at 'hello' liked the fact that he's already setting up an 'us against the world' mentality (& bringing the fans along with the 'a town that never got anything for free' line). 'all aboard'.
I liked the bit about him being nice if the players are doing their jobs. Says he has a streak to him.
great conference, answered the nobhead questions very well without looking and saying what a nobhead question
I'm not going to get carried away from a first press conference. He says what you'd expect him to say. He's been fed a few lines to sweeten the fans, It's not especially different from what Schopp said. I think it's best to judge him on his actions. Maybe the club should translate that into latin and have it as their motto.....