I don't want to go into the rights and wrongs. ( the family will still be absorbing the verdict) Just a sad tragic story. A retired barber killed his wife before taking his own life at their home, an inquest has heard. Malcolm Brown, 74, and Pauline, 73, were found by family members at their Lamb Lane home in Monk Bretton, Barnsley, last year. Mrs Brown, whose health had declined in recent months while living with dementia, died after possibly being smothered, senior coroner David Urpeth heard. Mr Brown is believed to have died from a deliberate insulin overdose.
It is a terribly sad story. It appears they had a long and happy marriage and Mr Brown did the best he could for as long as he possibly could. This really is a very touching story but likely a case of cruel to be kind on his wife and, for himself, could not face life without her nor the consequences of his actions.
Why do mainly men do this though? Fair enough to take your own life but no one has the right to take another's, especially someone they supposedly love and care for.
He was terminally ill. ( with weeks to live apparently) And possibly wanted neither of them to suffer.
i don't know where to start with the right or wrongs with this, i've had absolutely no experience with anyone with this disease, however the wife has been an home carer for 20+ years and seen this eat at people far too many times and she says it's heart breaking to witness just hope their family get support needed and not become a story for the media to make a headline
The guy said he didn’t want to go into the rights and wrongs of it. You just can’t resist it can you.
This feels a bit out of order to make it a gender thing in relation to this specific story. And if you are going to make it a gender thing it's not a good look to be so blasé about suicide, which disproportionately affects males.
I don’t know the exact circumstances around her death but I do wish my Nannan had died at least 5 years earlier when she had dementia. She had no quality of life & seeing my dad & grandad going through to see her so often was awful when she had no idea who they were.
While domestic murder disproportionately affects women and children. Any loss of life is sad, of course it is and I apologise if it seemed as though I was minimising that,it wasn't my intention at all.
my aunty only died of dementia after she forgot how to eat, apparently you can not force feed people, she went down to 4 stone and eventually died, my cousin still not got over it , awful thing dementia
Terribly sad. I'd spoken to Malc loads of times. He often came in our shop when we were open to have his photos backed up from his numerous holidays with his wife.
Oh my god.... This the same bloke as in Malcom's next to chippy after bridge down Eldon street? He used to be my barber for about 20 years until I lost most of my hair
It's clearly a tragic situation. I'm sure it would have been no less tragic if they had both gone on suffering. End of life situations, be they cancer, dementia, or even worse things like MND are just horrible.
It's a horrible disease that is capable of truly eating away at people. The mother in law spent her final 8 months laid in bed unable to eat, drink, speak or barely even move, nobody should have to suffer like that.