Felt sorry, but we couldn't help laughing. Our season distilled down to one brief moment. Stick it out on DVD as our 21/22 season review.
Highlight of the night for me at least it brought a smile to my face. The fact that he tried to pick it up and take it again was the icing on the cake.
It was embarrassing last night chase ball for 45 minutes and some were even doing that half arsed (not going to mention names or im a boo boy)
Absolutely embarrassing for us I agree, but also embarrassing for them. They were playing arguably the worst team in the league and they just passed the ball back and forth in their backline for 70 minutes. They've actually found a more uninspiring watch than Ismael's lump and press. I guess if it get results
I'm absolutely certain that no-one associated with Swansea, be it players, staff, fans, bus driver, whatever, gives a flying fu¢k about that. 2-0 away win, midweek, long trip. They'll be buzzing.
To be fair to them they were facing very different tactics from what would have been scouted and trained for. So we had the element of surprise initially, we squandered that by making no attempt to attack. Our tactics were utterly devoid of any ambition which fir a team at home I’ve never seen before- it was like they were at home, so faced with such a bizarre setup I’m not surprised they needed 1/2 time to collect their thoughts and sure enough come the second half they pushed the game 20 yards up the pitch and stretched our shape until it broke. Job done, 3 easy points for them, happy days. Not sure they will feel embarrassed nor should they.
Saw a young lass with her Dad when I was walking to the ground thinking that's a late one for a school night.Worth it though for the win and 2 goals in front of her. Fed up with the goal inaction at the pointy end!
I don't disagree. We were exactly the same when we won Val's games of head tennis. But when a tactic like that doesn't bring results. Dissension is immediate. What I found bizarre was a side filled with such quality having no plan B and taking so long to make any change at all. We're currently the worst side in the division.
I do feel for Moon a little with the abuse he has been receiving. However, I can’t feel sorry for him with that throw in, that is just unacceptable for any footballer. He had the option of a quick one, two with Benson but waved him away. Took what seemed 15 minutes to dry the ball, then bounced it off his nose. Embarrassing.
Why the hell is moon taking throw ins anyway? It's as though we have him doing long throws into the box but they're all awful
He seems to have a longer throw than freizers attempt at launching it. Obviously last night being an exception that it made it all of one yard onto the pitch
Does carrying the ball back to the centre spot twice count towards our possession stats? On 22 minutes Collins took an age to take a free kick. Time wasting at nil nil at home is not an inspiring tactic.
Quality.. hehe not seen any of that for a long time. The worst/weakest Mid-field lve seen in forty years.. no clue, no passion, can't pass the ball. Need two centre-mids, two full-backs in Jan just to stop us getting twatted ever week, never mind climbing the league..