REDS SUPPORT RAINBOW LACES CAMPAIGN Club News Barnsley Football Club is proud to support the Stonewall Rainbow Laces campaign. Continue reading on the official site...
The baggies have got a rainbow towel. Do you think Jasper Moon will.have one of those to assist his throw-ins!?
Why? What the fcuks it got to do with football? I couldn't give two shiny 5hits if you're homosexual. So what if you are..what then put a rainbow flag in fcukin corner and have a party? Do you honestly think Joe Bloggs waitin for Styles to let fly and Styles notice that rainbow flag? Honestly. You are what you are ffs Seems hollow to me. If you're gay good for you.
Gets people talking? Must be horrendous to be a homosexual player and feel like you have to hide your real life. I think it has a lot to do with football.
What about the fans? Players often wear charity tops during a warm up. What’s that got to do with them if they don’t need that charity’s services? It’s to raise awareness and help people feel supported. There’ll be secretly gay men in the crowd who may not feel comfortable telling their football fan mates and feel like they have to pretend to be someone they’re not. There are gay footballers who are secretly gay and don’t feel comfortable telling their teammates. The point is to normalise it so that everyone can feel comfortable being who they are. You might think that having coloured laces isn’t normalising it and is in fact making it more of a big deal but exposure is the first step. Do this for 10 years and people see it as all part of their normal routine and so are less shocked and therefore more accepting when someone tells them that they are gay. People are scared of the unknown and things that they don’t know or understand. This is to address that side of the problem. Remember that you are not everyone and just because you are happy to let live doesn’t by any means mean that everyone else is. For example, there’ll be plenty of elderly folk there who don’t use social media, who don’t have an LGBTQ family member and have gone their whole life never seeing gay people. This helps bring it into their sphere in a positive way, rather than them just seeing two men kissing or holding hands on the street and reacting with horror. If they see that the football world has already accepted it then they may be more likely to accept it too when they come across it in real life. At the very least, it certainly doesn’t hurt anyone and I fail to see why anyone would get all sweary about what colour laces someone else wears. It’s not like they are handing out rainbow laces on the turnstiles and making you change yours before allowing entry.
What's the harm though???? you obviously have issues with this, bit surprised by your reply. Maybe this gesture is needed because of attitudes shown by you, no?
Or is it the fact that you want all this sweeping under the carpet so you don't have see,hear or deal with Homosexuality?
is it a rainbow carpet and a rainbow brush?,leave S D alone,people on here love to jump down peoples throats, let him have a different opinion to you,he just wants to live his life in my opinion where we don't have to virtue signal at every opportunity and everyone just live and lets live
The thing I love about @Stephen Dawson is his ability to take on board other people's opinions, chew it over and if it's merited, change his views. I hope he doesn't take any comments over this issue as getting at him.
looks like they was getting at him for me, just because he doesn't think rainbow laces is going to make a difference, why cant he say that?
I often wonder what 'openly gay' actually means. There are certainly gay footballers who hide it from everyone but there are also gay footballers who's family know but nobody else, footballers who's family and friends know about and even footballers who's family, friends and teammates know about. At what point are they considered as having come out? I find it completely weird that anyone would feel the need to go to the media and tell people who don't know them that they're gay but even weirder that anyone would give a toss if they did.