He wanted it today. You could see in his post match interview he was gutted. He mentioned one ball not settling a match it's several. However, in this instance it was. He turned town an easy green because he was worried about going into the pack. He took on the brown and missed. The rest is tomorrow's chip paper. Reason I brought it up is... In a decider it's points on the board and play ball to ball. I go back to my days in Pontefract Sports n' Social playing best of fives. First couple of frames try for blue, pink or black n' get on a roll. If it gets to 2-2 and n' committee want us off I'm taking easy yellow n' playing ball to ball. Just think he threw it away today.
He has been a shadow of his former self for a few years now. He doesn't have the concentration to grind out tournament victories like he used to have. He has lost a heck of a lot of finals in recent times and here seemed to cope badly with the pressure of expectation with so many seeds already going out.
I agree mate. He's realised he was last man standing n' pressure has got to him. You take the green n' worry if it looked good when you're kissing trophy later. That said I'd get rid of BBC reporters and that from anywhere near my camp. Parrott- recovering fat lazy *******. Davies - ultimate under achiever. Hendry - more sour than sour Kraut. Doherty - licked more times than he can care to remember. Serial arse licker. All FC ukin losers to boot.
I think Dreaboy3000 hits the nail on head. I think it's concentration. There were one or two outright odd shot choices. He unsettled Selby in that epic 2020 Worlds semi-final like that, but if you carry on playing those sort of shots against the game's best you are going to end up looking a pillock. Ron's interview after the Noppon game in the week was bizarre. "Snooker's just a hobby to me now. I'd rather be up here doing the punditry." It doesn't matter if he wins or loses, he says. But why bother? I wonder if all the bizarre stuff is really Ron erecting a shield around himself to ward off disappointment when it comes. I don't know if he still has Steve Peters in his team, but by golly he needs him. We are still seeing lots of Ronnie genius in sessions, but the consistency is not there. And by the way, I think Kyren was superb.
How's Davies an underachiever!? Hendry's come on leaps and bounds since he first started commentating. And leave Ken alone, he's lovely and has time for everybody. Not too bothered about Parrot but he can be funny.
I like Hendry on commentary. He cuts out the gibberish, and he's not afraid to leave silences where there's nothing useful to be said. The one that gets a bit sticky though is Alan 'Angles' McManus co-commentating alongside his new-found idol Jack Lisowski. Infatuation is a powerful thing!
Can't beat the old snooker tournaments for me - Bill Werbeniuk downing pint after pint during the match after having 6 pints before he went out to play, Higgins chain smoking/drinking his way through games ......good times
Thing with Ronnie, he is very insecure and has repeatedly said similar things through out his career about not being bothered, enjoying the game, thinking of quitting etc. You’re also right about the Selby match, he got away with that because of the stage of the game if he’d done it earlier in that match he would have lost.
Genius of a snooker player but it's best to ignore anything he say really as he will just contradict himself in the next interview.