Mask wearing is compulsory in shops and on public transport. But not in pubs,restaurants or in the workplace. Please explain that to me in simple terms.
Johnson trying to look like he's doing something to prevent new variant taking hold but at the same time trying to say he hasn't stopped Christmas happening. Get ready for a total lockdown in January cause the fuckwits got it wrong again. Billions are at risk if more restrictions come in. Hospitality are already getting lots of cancellations. Make people wear masks again in pubs and restaurants and that situation would get worse. Public transport people don't all have a choice as many don't drive. Shops people don't have a choice as not everyone who buys food n drink does so online. Pubs and restaurants are far easier for people to completely avoid if they don't feel safe somewhere masks are not mandatory.
The previous regime was masks until seated in pubs, restaurants wasn't it? I can't see why we're not back at that stage and with distancing/capacity limits given the new scares. Either there is a new threat or there isn't. No use doing half measures. Boris doesn't want the unpopularity, but I suspect we'll soon be back there. He has already caved in under pressure on pre-return flight testing this weekend.
As stated on the previous thread, people have a choice regarding whether or not to go to the pub , but not necessarily over going to the shop, or using public transport
So none essential shops shouldn't have masks? What about the staff in the pub? The whole thing is a mess.
I was just responding to the op by offering some logic, I wasn’t suggesting it was all perfect. In addition I think al the recent measures are an attempt to slow down the spread until more booster jabs are given with the least impact on the economy
I was just pointing out the holes in that logic. I think the recent measures are just a attempt to look like doing something without actually doing anything. A bit of Mask wearing in just a few settings will do next to no impact on the spread of any virus.
It was obvious from Saturday that most Reds supporters believe that the virus is boycotting Oakwell or perhaps took the refund when the West Stand was closed.
South Koreans scientists recently did a paper on the effectiveness of masks/social distancing wearing on public transport.
Was in Manchester Airport yesterday and saw someone pull their mask down to sneeze then put it back on again. Similarly in Poundland Sheffield last week a woman with mask around chin violently coughing then pulling mask back up. Have to wonder what goes through people's heads.
Speaking of masks, I remember people being amused by people driving alone in a car with a mask on (I accept some gave explanations) But visually I've just seen one even more amusing. Guy in a van with his dog on the passenger seat with his mask on. I wish the dog had been mask up!
Well one things for sure, anybody who takes notice of what Johnson says, or waits for his Christmas guidance must be living in cloud cuckoo land!
I'm generally against wearing masks. For practical reasons they simply don't work. The one place where they may work is public transport, when you're simply sat for long periods without the need to communicate with someone to get the thing done that you want doing, in this case travelling from A to B. I guess I'd add sitting in waiting rooms to that too. When communication is required masks do not present a practical solution. When lots of people are in close proximity without the need to communicate, they probably do. How much and if that is worth the alienation they also bring is up for debate. I'd argue in such situations that if there are vulnerable people within the group then they're worth it, but if there aren't, a school trip for example, then they're not. What is clearly ludicrous is having to wear a mask in a shop but having to lower it every time you speak as the sales assistant simply cannot understand what you're saying if you don't. I don't go to many shops but that happened regularly in every shop I went to when masks were last mandatory.