I'm trying my best to get my head around spreadsheets, but I just can't quite figure a few things out. I've got a pivot table which has text values in (mostly yes/no), and I want it to count a certain value when I've filtered it. At present, I can only get a count for the whole table, and not the filtered range. For example, if I was to filter the below table to only show results for Sunday, and then do a COUNTIF of the 'type' field equalling "unwitnessed", the output is 3 instead of 2 as it includes the whole table and not the filtered range. Anyone able to help?
The subtotal function does ignore filtered out results, but you can't use the COUNTIF function within it (unless I'm using it wrong).
if its cells C you are counting put "=subtotal(3,c4:c23)" (obviously change the range of cells to whatever is needed, and remove the " symbols and that should work
if its cells C you are counting put "=subtotal(3,c4:c23)" (obviously change the range of cells to whatever is needed, ald move the " symbols and that should work
Think I may be missing something - but if you set up a pivot table based on your data. You can add the fields that you want to filter - e.g. Day and then add the fields you want to count in the value section - job done - no pratting about with functions