*If* Omicron has the same effect as a mild case of the other variants of Covid on life expectancy in the 12 months after infection, it will increase the risk of dying by ~60% under the age of 65. For a man in the 45-54 age group (like me), that takes the risk from 1/279 (~.36%) to 1/174 (~.57%). This might not be statistically significant for me as an individual but when taken across the entire cohort of UK men in that age group (~4 million), it works out around 8-10,000 excess deaths in the next 12 months if everyone is infected *with a mild strain*. (~80% of those deaths are not heart or cardiovascular disease). Also, around 10% of children with mild infection develop long Covid, with around 80% of those reporting memory or cognitive impairment as a result. For anyone admitted to hospital, the increased risk is ~230%, but it is slightly higher under-65 than over-65. We will not know whether this is the case until early 2023. That is without looking at the economic impact of a new group of ~48,000 (with delta), plus x,000 (omicron) having to isolate for a week at a time. If there is one thing worse than a pandemic, it is possibly a syndemic - and Covid is rapidly turning into one. Source: Odds of dying in next 12 months in UK: http://www.bandolier.org.uk/booth/Risk/dyingage.html Increased risk of dying after infection: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.778434/full
I used to joke that any group of Jonesing crack addicts would do a better job, but given the quantities of cocaine found in Parliament, I might have to reassess that situation...
You need to get with the programme. While the vaccines do not stop you catching, being ill from or spreading COVID, vaccine passports most definitely do. Haven't you seen Austria, Germany and France who have them? There's no COVID there.
Great to see somebody actually look at the science, present the data and allow the reader to draw their own conclusions. Well done mate.
I cannot believe this post. I’ve been in the mount all afternoon, and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing.
They can **** off. Sorry Boris, you are a liar. You take thinks. You take the public for fools You want to impose restrictions on me? Tough ****. I'll see you in court
My christmas will be normal no matter what restrictions boris trys to impose. Are people going to listen or take him serious very doubtful.
Good luck checking everyone's vaccine purity before allowing them to a football match. That's despite there being no evidence that the vaccine prevents you passing it on to someone else. Fèck em, I'm just gonna have a party in downing Street instead
He's got absolutely no power anymore. The public don't listen to the fat, racist, sexist, wife beating, lying, corrupt cūnt
Just temporary restrictions, till we have the opportunity to have a vaccine, right @Donny-Red @BarnsleyReds ?
Omicron B = No Crimbo are they now taking the piss altogether then I wonder who comes up with the virus names....
Issue is that the vast majority of people support restrictions. I'd probably go so far as to say that the majority of people want tougher restrictions and support vaccine mandates and passports. Folk just seem to enjoy being told what they can and can't do. Maybe I'm wrong, but most people I talk to think we should be locking down for Omicron. Spoken to more than one that don't see issues with restrictions at Christmas. Funny old world.