I think a lot of people would prefer a iFollow link than pissing around in lengthy queues to get in Oakwell.
Why won't it? Genuine question as I'm interested to hear others opinions. I've had to show my vaccine passport (or proof of a negative test) to get into work, gigs and the country since the summer and not experienced any major issues or delays. I've not found getting into Oakwell difficult either, whether it be half hour before kick off or 5 minutes before. When there has been queues, they've moved pretty quickly. The only major issue I can see, is for season ticket holders who haven't been vaccinated. They're now being denied entry for something they've paid for by our own government.
I would imagine someone out season ticket holders will struggle to get a xoivd pass onto their phone if they even have a phone capable of doing it. Are the turnstile operators going to check everyone's? That again could slow things down when a couple of thousand turn up at 2.50. Will the club be forced to offer refunds to people?
With the stupidity of contradictory U.K.laws (both individually sensible but when combined are a nonsense)...just turn up at Oakwell on matchday and state you are exempt from being vaccinated. Apparently the Disablity Discrimination Act gives you immunity from being challenged to prove otherwise and even the Police cannot ask. Simples!
Don't see how it it's agreed to. Plus they d know I've been vaccinated by me showing my covid passport every time.
What do they do if/when loads of people turn up at the same time and queues build? When the season tickets didn't work they just waved people through. What about all the older fans who don't know how to do it? A gig tends to be younger, football has a lot of older supporters. The law states that you don't have to prove your disability so what do they do if people just say they're exempt? We have been told all season that we're desperately short of stewards so how are we going to find enough to do this extra time consuming job? Add to that that the public has just lost any faith or respect that it had for the racist clown and I just can't see it being respected by the public. Especially not the public on a town that hates Tories like Barnsley
I will not show a vaccine passport to enter Oakwell. If I am required to I'll be asking for my money back for the rest of the season. Even if the club say no that (and I wouldn't blame them) I will just not attend. I will also not renew if this is the requirement.
You don't have to have it on your phone, you can also request it as a letter. As part of my job, I have to check that everyone who enters our building has been vaccinated, and to be fair, there has been some teething problems. But all in all, the vast majority of people have it ready for me when they enter the building, and I take a quick look and that's it. 5 seconds tops. With everything, it won't be completely smooth straight away, but I don't see it causing mass delays, so long as the club have the appropriate number of people on hand to cope.
Hmm! General election 2019: Barnsley Central Labour Dan Jarvis 14,804 40.1% Brexit Party Victoria Felton 11,233 30.4% Conservative Iftikhar Ahmed 7,892 21.4%
You'd like to think people will give themselves an extra 5-10 minutes for getting to the ground, at least to start with. I understand that not everyone has a smart phone, but you can obtain a paper copy of your covid passport. I believe you are still issued a covid passport if you are exempt, and that's how you prove your vaccination status. The staffing issue is the big problem I can see, not made easier by the government dropping this on us with a weeks notice before the next home game. We've clearly heavily recruited on the stewarding front though. I agree wholeheartedly about Boris. I'm firmly expecting him announcing that we can have a Christmas next Friday, just to try and look like our saviour.
I don't know what's more depressing, the 20% that voted Tory, or the 30% that voted for the Brexit party.