Fair enough I don't remember all the in and outs I'll be honest. Labour were in very tough spot not knowing which way to go on Brexit. Lots of Labour voters, voted leave and on that 1 issue decided not to vote for them. Hopefully by the time we limp to the next election we will have moved on from Covid restrictions (though im starting to doubt it) and no one issue will be as decisive as Brexit was.
For the first time ever I didn't vote in the last local election. I know local elections are supposed to be about local issues, and if there were any that I felt particularly strongly about then I may vote for the candidate of a party whose national politics I don't agree with but who is standing on a local issue that I do. However, on most occasions I vote for the party I would vote for nationally. I guess I'm more in tune with the Green Party than any other and I have voted for them a number of times in the past. However, I don't consider them credible opposition, so I wouldn't normally vote for them in a general election. In this case, 'not credible' means they simply don't have the support to make any inroads. If we had proportional representation then I may well vote for them. Although I might not as then my vote would really be worth something and if The Tories got in because I voted Green instead of Labour then I'd probably chuck myself under a passing car. Which brings me round to who I usually vote for: Labour. I didn't last time because I do not find the party credible. In this case, 'not credible' means I haven't the foggiest idea what they stand for and what their policies are. And I am still hugely annoyed that Corbyn could have won a general election if the parliamentary Labour Party backed him, but they didn't, they undermined him at every opportunity. I went to a speech given by Corbyn from outside the NUM building at the bottom of Victoria Road and Dan f***** Jarvis didn't even turn up to introduce him. Despicable! Make no mistake, if we had a general election tomorrow I'd vote Labour. I want these Tory scum out. But the party I've voted for all my life is not, in my opinion, credible at the moment. I just don't think they'd be as bad as the current government, but that's the very best I can say about them.
If Labour vote in favour of anything that includes vaccine passports then I will not vote for them come the next election. Doesn't really leave me anyone credible to vote for but on principle I will not support it.
But, if you're in a constituency that is a two horse race between Labour and Conservative, that approach would be of benefit to the party that also favours vaccine passports, plus a whole heap of other hideous policies that Labour would be opposed to.
Yes I know, thanks to the ridiculous FPTP system we have my vote has largely been meaningless my whole life, we elect a government based on the outcome of such a small minority of votes in the marginals. I really wish Labour had pushed to change this during their decade in power. However no political party will vote to change the system that put them in office. For better or worse I simply will not put a x in the box of any party that supports medical apartheid. I will not take the lesser of two evils on that front.
he tears him apart every Wednesday. It’s literally embarrassing. Yiu called him bojo, there’s the rub. He’s not bojo and he’s not a mate
William Hague used to own tony Blair week in week out at the despatch box . Never got him anywhere or increase his popularity . People are looking for policy , what's in it for them when voting . Sadly Keir is lacking in this department .
There's no point in Starmer going for a knockout now, he just needs to keep him dangling for a couple of years until the Tories decide to get rid or an early election is called.
"No credible opposition" Ryan Lowe is another one who keeps repeating this phrase. Talking about a **** show going on this Saturday.
No credible political system. 37% of people, and that's just of those who vote, are sending the UK to oblivion.
Labour are not credible because the right wing faction of the party are currently in charge, and pïss in the same ideological pot as the Tories. They: 1. Have deliberately and forcefully purged the left, often under false pretences. 2. Are the same faction who sabotaged Corbyn’s efforts to form a government by vastly overstating issues such as antisemitism, resigning at key strategic moments, forcing an untenable Brexit position, and referring to their own MPs and members as ‘Trots’. 3. Starmer is now sat on the Forde report, which details all of the above, and refuses to release it. This is exactly what Johnson would do. 4. They’ve lost hundreds of thousands of members in the last year, and ruined party finances. 5. They’ve broken pickets and condemned trade unions. 6. They are neoliberal capitalist. 7. They are easily swayed by outside lobbying (see defence of Zionism and apartheid). 8. They have defended or voted with the government on far too many occasions. 9. The leader is a knight of the realm (hardly relatable to Joe Bloggs on the street), a title which he ‘earned’ with some questionable and harsh prosecuting. 10. He has about as much charisma as a mouldy flannel.
So what's your alternative? Vote Tory? Don't vote? Any party who puts a candidate up against the Tories is credible at the moment. Your alternative is more of Boris.
This is what is wrong with Labour supporters now though, there is no 'Right Wing Faction' of the Labour party, theres definitely more centrist MPs but not 1 Right wing.