Lots of Tory MPs have been brave enough to go against Boris and tweet today that they plan to vote against plan B. My own MP has been very quiet on the subject but always does whatever Boris does to keep him happy, so I have emailed him on it. Hope he finds time to reply.
but then he'll be accused of using Covid and death as a cynical political move to destabilise the Tories. Won't win either way with our Tory press so I hope he votes with his conscience based on all the facts.
Agreed he could surley say something like he supports all reasonable measures to fight Covid including masks work from home ect but he can't support vaccine passports and so has no choice but to vote against it.
Agreed. He can mention how Plan B rules shouldn't come in here because of what's happening in South Africa when it's a completely different situation to here.
He will do what he thinks is right for the country, which will not include political opportunism. He has not built his brand on that. The consequence of that is that the Tory backbenchers who dislike the restrictions have only one option - to ditch the leader who is instigating them. Labour need not fear his replacement at the next election - he/she will have no majority of their own.
And if Sunak gets the job, then they need to start and research what he did "for the good of the people" during the financial crisis.
I just hope the BBC don't 5punk £000's on him being a HIGNFY guest when he's been sacked as PM and then resigns his seat. (Unfortunately I think the sack (again) will suit him down to the ground - he'll then be able to make "loads-a-money").
Genuine answer around 25% so more than 300% less than ours if you use their wrong calculation formula its also not 300% its 165% if you do the sums properly