Already being leaked and we have barely started plan B Anyone got any frogs to boil?
There's a Cobra meeting currently, basically Mad Friday is coming and it'll be a mass spread event. The current restrictions are a fudge, rushed out in a dead cat format. I'm at a loss of what needs to be done now after the past week. Either way the country is now f*cked. Keep the tills ringing or stop the spread of illness we still aren't 100% sure of. Oh and try and get the public on board with it after the events in Number 10. Plan C could very quickly turn to Plan D, the numbers are going to increase massively in the next 10 days. God knows what 4th January will look like.
Lockdown after Christmas like I said in a thread a week or so ago. Mask wearing should never have been made voluntary and travelers from abroad should have had to provide a negative test before boarding a plane / ship / train to come here or come back here.
Plan Z DO NOT leave the House. The army are here to help you. Your emergency pack has food for the next 10 days. Should any family member die, tag them with name and address before leaving them outside the house.
How do we know numbers are going to increase massively in the next 10 days? That is quite a claim. Do you know anyone with the Omicron variant?
Cases might increase but in the UK it's looking like the common cold. Hospital admissions and deaths from the new variant might increase but that's because the only way is up when both figures are currently zero.
Current numbers in this country are underreported because we aren’t sending all positive tests for sequencing, so numbers likely to increase (in the data at least) as we do more active case finding. We’re now also finding cases with no links to travel which indicates community transmission. The fact that this variant is able to transmit easily in the community when we’ve got such high levels of delta indicates it has a competitive advantage over delta and will spread more easily. Given our rates of delta have been slowly but steadily increasing, the spread of omicron will lead to cases climbing more steeply. There’s still a question mark over what impact omicron might have on severity of illness, hospitalisations and deaths at this point, but even if it’s less virulent than delta that needs to be balanced against it being more transmissible (if it’s half as virulent but four times as transmissible then we’re in a worse position than we would have been).
Yes they reckon to know nothing yet' but can't wait to tell us that it spreads like wild fire and the vaccines aren't gonna be as effective whilst conveniently omitting to tell us that data in other countries is saying that symptoms are a lot milder' another case of "confirm the doom and gloom" so that they comply with the booster roll out but say nothing about the potential positives' we need to be given a proper balanced view on this but we won't be getting that from the uk media line towers...
There must be some links to travel otherwise how would the variant travel between the communities? Also, how do we know it transmits easily in the community when the numbers are underreported and we haven't actually seen any cases with our eyes? As you say, there is also the question mark over the severity of the variant - these measures appear to be quite extreme in reaction to a variant that we seem to know so little about, other than the rumour that it isn't deadly. Lots of questions, and not for you to specifically answer of course, but food for thought.
If you mean "there's only so much we can take" I agree - there has to be a point where it becomes endemic and we have to just accept it and get on with our lives. However, i don't think we've reached that point yet. When it all came out about the Downing Street parties, i was very angry and was thinking about not bothering with masks etc but on reflection I'll go along with whatever new rules come out. I don't want to be responsible for putting someone in hospital or a grave.