Me, I’d just like a different feeling of a Saturday evening…. It seems so long since we won, I’ve forgot what it was like….
The majority owners of the club are in dispute with the owners of the ground. They've allegedly defaulted on their contract payments to buy the club and it's going through the courts. It's shambolic and is casting a shadow over everything. The squad is put together on a shoestring budget and they only seem interested in making profits on the sale of young players. I agree with Fired, it doesn't feel like my club any more, although they'll always be the only team and result I care about. I won't be renewing next season, the value for money is terrible in League One and I can't imagine they'll be lowering the prices.
I care about our Club but unfortunately the people who are in charge don’t give a **** We could be in the tenth division and if the we’re making money out of it they still wouldn’t They need to go
As it stands I won’t. It doesn’t feel the same to me post Lockdown I don’t feel invested anymore. It’s not about us being crap it is just a feeling that the things I loved about being a Barnsley fan are gone and I’ve never been one for nostalgia.
I went two years without a season ticket but didn’t miss many matches. Probably missed more this year than I did then.
If I get my seat back in the west stand as now promised then I will be renewing , the owners have peed me off big style & I would love it if they moved on & were replaced by a credible alternative , regarding the team , yes we are very poor & will certainly drop but that does not matter to me in the sense that I have seen it all before , its like a cycle & at the moment we are on a low but we will come back , I cannot do with this "I only want to support them if they are winning attitude " , its not a temporary matter for me , its a rough with the smooth scenario for me but everyone has the right to choose what they want to do & as far as I am concerned I would watch them in the conference but if others choose to jump ship then thats fine it is their choice , to be honest all the moaning gets me down & at least if those what have had enough packed in then some of the moaning might stop & Oakwell & social media might be more enjoyable.
I’m not happy by any stretch but I will keep going this season, next and while ever there’s a BFC. The TEAM needs support - good bad or indifferent. We’ve been crap before, badly managed and poorly led from the very top - remember Peter Doyle/ Ridsdale etc? Everyone has the right to vote with their feet but I’ll keep going and wait for things to turn round whenever that happens. Doesn’t make me a “better fan”” - just a fan.
He will reply reinforcing the company line. Not a dig at Whitey btw but what else is he suppose to say?
I am still bothered. It's easier to stand by them when things are going well, but we are supporters are we not? If people don't care because we are struggling then boo how and stay away when we get good again as supporters don't pick and choose.
Obviously not in it for the long haul. Unlike those who will suffer, not necessarily in silence (I can't ever be accused of happy clapping). And keep the club alive. I will keep going. No matter what. I won't post about how I don't care. Or how there's better things to do. I'm an idiot. A loyal one, one that you can maintain a football club with.
Unfortunately in modern football people like you and I are the smallest of fry. We don’t keep the club going your 15 quid a week won’t even cover an hour of Gomes subsidised time. Feel like I’ve served my time. First match 1974/5. Season ticket when I lived in London, Brighton and Tunbridge Wells. Find it harder to get motivated now I live 5 miles away. I don’t feel like I need to indulge an investment scheme that doesn’t deserve my money pittance that it is to them.
I think the point is being lost, for me it’s how the Club is being run, no English manager is ever going to come here while this group is in charge,no player with any experience is going to be signed, young good players get sold at the first chance to make a fast buck, the whole match day experience is shocking at Oakwell or is it Grove street, managers who do well walk away,the list goes on, For me I have two season tickets which I have had a very long time but unfortunately while this group of people who are in charge there not getting any more money from me. The Club has lost its Soul
I went today. Took my 9 year old to her first game for ages. We both clapped the lads off at the end. They tried no grumbles from me about effort. But how much longer I can justify schlepping miles to watch us brushed aside Is open to debate.
This is it, it all just feels as if winning football matches is a secondary objective. We try but it's not the main goal of the club anymore.
Fair play for going. I want every single member of the board gone but things weren't that good under Patrick and in many ways worse. Usually playing Blackburn over Christmas we would expect to take two thousand for a short distance festive game. This time we will be lucky to crack a thousand.