Everything now appears to be a deliberate move by them to disassociate the fans from the club they love. We moan and are angry by every move made by the owners, Conway and the CEO, and it is resulting in our distancing ourselves from our club in every aspect. All we get is excuse and blame, something we never used to get in the past. We react to poor results and then blame players and coaches for this but in the next breath there is the suspicion that higher authorities are picking the team and the coach is just a yes man. There is a wedge being hammered between fans and the club, somebody doesn't like the way we view the past and the way it means so much to us. To put it simply, the 80%ers want to split us from the club as it is now. Blame the 20%ers for the mess. I now believe they are creating the hatred and division deliberately.
Or more likely they are trying their best but they aren’t very good... Not many football club owners have profited from their experience.
I've said it before in my opinion it's organised relegation...their development and sell model works better in a lower division
They are definitely not deliberately devaluing their assets. whether they are competent or not is another arguement. But what you are saying is insane.
The fact that they're trying to avoid paying for the club, stating the reason is a very old covenant that prevents them from buying the ground, makes me very suspicious of them. Things seem to have changed and not for the better. They tried to buy into several UK clubs, including Middlesbrough I recall, and were turned down. They own several other clubs around Europe. Barnsley aren't necessarily their priority any more and they may be considering exit strategies. For me the club is clearly just a business venture for them, and if that is failing for whatever reason, then they'll look to cut their losses or cut and run with as much money as possible. As someone said in another thread, it feels like the club has lost its soul. Its just a business, plain and simple and ultimately the fans and the wider community don't matter that much.
Just like our government is doing with COVID. Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Tangential as it may be, the fact that people can believe that the higher ups at BFC have some nefarious plot to ruin our club and split the fanbase, yet cannot for one second believe that the higher ups in the country have a similar plot to divide and rule us is quite ironic. Back to BFC, I do 100% believe that there is a "plan" or an "idea" to run us down. Why are they doing it? No idea. But there's no way you could make so many shocking, underhanded decisions over a long period of time without there being an underlying motive.
I totally agree that the govt is happy for there to be division, but they didn't need Covid for that..
I believe they did. They absolutely could have turned around one day and said "right boys and girls, from Monday, your stopping in your homes and closing your businesses until such a time that the economy is well and truly sha**ed, then we can alter the economy as we see fit then allow you to re-enter it when we say" There would have been riots on the streets, and rightly so. They need an excuse, if for no other reason than to keep people quiet and "on side" while they go about reshaping our world. They always need a reason and the appearance of neccesity, COVID has been used to "Trojan Horse" ridiculous infringments on our civil liberties and if anyone on here still thinks we'll get them back, you need to give your heads a wobble.
You give them too much credit in the intelligence stakes Mr S. I think history will show us it was just an outstanding level of ineptitude.
I still need an explanation for the £750K before I agree that they are doing their best. I can put up with relegation, we've been there before on a few occasions, but I cannot put up with financial smoke and mirrors. I will definitely not renew for next season if we don't get a satisfactory explanation.
Maybe there just not very good at running football clubs looks like their running ours into the ground.
I don't know what to think anymore. I don't understand what motive there could be for deliberately buggering us up. But at the same time, to get something so utterly and astoundingly wrong as the summer just gone and this season is beyond belief, to the point where its crossed my mind that this is something more sinister than mere incompetence.
The club. That has value. I honestly can’t understand how anyone would think they would purposely devalue an investment. Like I said whether or not they are running it well or not is neither here nor there in this discussion. They are investors who want to make profit out of their investment, I’m not sure how relegation would help with that. I’m still of the opinion that their and our interests are the same but for different reasons.
I don’t wish to be provocative but that’s not what I asked. All businesses have assets and liabilities. Some end up having liabilities that exceed their assets. Some businesses don’t make profits. Some businesses run out of cash (not helped by allegedly siphoning a significant amount off). Few of them, in my experience, do so deliberately. The ones that fail do so for a variety of reasons. In our case the business risks failure because the model it utilises appears not to be working. Let’s hope they are genuinely in it for the long-term, as they have stated, and are willing to inject cash as required.
Back to my original point I would like us all to compile a list of what we have seen, heard, experienced, imagined, that has taken a turn for the worse with BFC recently. 1. Problems between the owners. 2. Lack of care with the stadium upkeep. 3. The West Stand debacle. 4. Beevor Court. 5. The initial problems with season ticket access. 6. No fan zone. 7. No pre match or half time entertainment. 8. Refusal to accept the possibility of relegation. 9. Seeming lack of investment into buying new players. 10. Refusal to admit that experience is required in the team. 11. Selling our players for profit leaving us worse off. 12. The North Stand lower capacity. 13. Who is pulling the strings re. team selection. You will be able to add to this list I'm sure, these are what came to me. And are you telling me that this is not a ploy of some sorts to divide fans from our club. It's insidious and very divisive.