its all the BBC to blame Nice to se the impartial and balanced Mr Dacre is back in charge instead of some politically driven upstart who dared to print slurs against our glorious leader And there was me thinking it was the Mirror and ITV who led the charge As an aside I saw some wag on twitter wanting to suggest that Pippa Crerar should be charged with impersonating a police officer for going looking for evidence
Says it all really. Asserting that the BBC is controlled by the government. Its primary focus is propaganda.
The sub heading says ‘PM tells friends ‘frivolous, vengeful, partisan’ Corporation has neglected primary duty: to focus on booster rollout’. So I asked since when has that been the BBC’s primary duty?
The BBC's role is to report the news; they can run 2 headlines. Booster jab numbers PM and mates are a set lying lovely people.
If Bojo the Clown was squeeky clean, as the leader of the country ought to be, the BBC wouldn't be reporting on his alleged misdemeanours.