Wont be watching any of the world cup next year. Sportswashing at it's worst with FIFA silent as usual. https://www.nrk.no/sport/qatar-kritiker-domt-til-tre-ar-i-fengsel_-1.15772690
Qatar critic sentenced to three years in prison: - It was almost macabre to witness Abdullah Ibhais, who has repeatedly commented critically on working conditions in Qatar, has been sentenced to three years in prison. Abdullah's hearing lasted less than a minute and the court gave no justification for the verdict, Ibhais' family writes in a press release. Abdullah Ibhais was arrested just hours before NRK was to interview him in Qatar in November . Ibhais was sentenced to five years in prison in April, after the court found him guilty of misusing public funds. Ibhais then appealed the verdict. Today, the sentence was changed to three years in prison. Ibhais was previously the media and communications director of Qatar's World Cup organization. He has been critical of the working conditions of the migrant workers in the country, which will host the World Cup in 2022.
Multi lingual me Jud. Jump Barnsley. A little bit of dee dar. And a tad of Chezzy. Qatarish is quite easy compared to that lot. Hoylandish is difficult though. They just talk bo110x.
be no good to me, wouldn't give me time for a 'sorry what' ? Seriously though they should just isolate that lot and make them learn what is acceptable!
In Wentworth, we have our man servants communicate on one’s behalf, in the appropriate, local vernacular..
If FIFA weren’t so bent, they’d do something about it. Sadly their form indicates that nothing in the future is likely to change unless their is a root and branch restructuring.
The Queens English. Posh bugger. Thought that wo further upt rooad. Wentworth. Mr C may confirm. Edit.. Just seen Mr C's response. Guess you Elsecar lot are all part of his household. Downstairs in his servants quarters. Make sure they know their place Mr C. They'll take advantage if not. Bloomin varmints.