We're having a weird Christmas celebration today. Weird in the eyes of Sionnach who's Irish. We're always in Dublin at her parents' for Xmas which involves no Boxing Day but St Stephen's Day instead. The Christmas pudding being fried. No Christmas cake. No pigs in blankets. No cranberry sauce.No pork pies. The idea of mince pies or fruit cake with cheese being considered barbarism. No custard. Etc, etc. So today we're having an English Christmas dinner. With all of the above. Except the Irish simply don't do pork pies. At all. And Tesco have no pigs in blankets due to being unable to get deliveries of stuff from the UK. Going to have to make my own.
A few years ago we started off a Christmas Eve tradition of driving to Castleton, and doing the last leg of Mam Tor. The kids were younger, so we didn't even attempt the walk up Winnets Pass. On the 3rd year of doing this, we set off on the walk, and were caught out by a sudden deterioration in weather. The forecast was ok - possibility of a shower, but nothing out of the ordinary. The wind picked up, and within minutes we'd been hit with horizontal rain, and what felt like a complete battering gale. It literally took my breath away. We turned back, trying to help the kids down, but the wind was forcing us back. I was gasping to breathe. I'd never had a panic attack in my life before, but I genuinely thought we could be in serious trouble. It was terrifying. We finally got down to the car park after what felt like an age, soaked and battered. I was virtually hysterical. A shaking, jibbering wreck. Needless to say, we haven't done it since. I'll stick to a glass of sherry and a mince pie at home!
Update: If anyone has noticed the weather forecast for up on the moors from now until tomorrow lunchtime, it's mist, fog, drizzle, rain, heavy rain, sleet, snow, heavy snow, in that order. Therefore, embarrassing though it is, I'm at home in front of the fire. Good luck to all the BBSers on their way to Outer Edge to say hello Merry Christmas Everyone! Margery Hill (South Yorkshire) weather - Met Office
It's a well known fact that a lot of campers have some dodgy things happen to them in tents on Christmas Eve....not wanting to spoil the fun or anything.
So we didn’t do ours either - we ended up doing a big chavvy piss up Christmas brunch at the Emirates Golf Club where they hold the Dubai Desert Classic - BUT - we did the desert BBQ on Boxing Day instead. Me and my lad got bitten to **** by ants in the sand dunes, but it was ace.
I can’t imagine a world where I’d feel safe to 1) camp out on my own overnight and 2) post extremely detailed instructions on the internet to where I would be staying all alone in a tent at night. Either men live in a different world to women or you’re mad.
That makes complete sense, and I can now admit that I was being rather economical with the truth with my instructions. I was actually heading for a place called Crow Stones, which is about 3/4 mile away from Outer Edge. I used Outer Edge as it's easier to find on a map, for anyone who may have been interested. You're not the first lady who has questioned my wild camping trips, which is nice in a way. My answer is always the same - I assume that any violent maniacs in the area wouldn't bother to spend 3 hours climbing up into the hills on the off chance that a lone camper might be there. But I appreciate your concern, thank you. Any yes, I'm probably mad