we get a pay rise every year and use the RPI figure as a guide. We rarely get less but think we might have to fight to get 7.1%. Ahah
It wouldn’t be that bad if Johnson and his friends hadn’t spaffed £32 billion to all their friends from the public purse though would it????????
Havn"t a clue , I do not follow politics , all I have commented on are things I know about, one there is a pandemic which has cost billions & the other is fuel which I read an article about the price of oil & how it had dropped & incidentally no matter who was running the country these issues would not change , well that is me looking through my common sense glasses anyway .
Obviously all about Brexit of course.. So folk just pointing out our inflation rate currently at 4.1% and attributing it to Brexit as if it would be different had we remained... Obviously done that without looking across the Eurozone. Even the mighty Germany with theirs at 5.2%. Just looking for news articles as to when they left the EU as well. All across Europe inflation is being hammered by the energy market and supply chain issues across the world due to the COVID crisis. But Brexit, But Brexit.
COVID was intended to bankrupt most of the planet, much easier to get the masses to stomach the switch to centralised financial governance when they can point to a global pandemic as being the main cause. Problem. Reaction. Solution. Create a pandemic out of what is ofcorse, a real disease but nowhere near serious enough to warrant what has gone off the last 2 years. Maintain ridiculously high levels of propaganda on the TV, radio, bus stop signs, you name it. The public, or a large percentage of, will demand that "something be done". Offer them the solution that you wanted to impliment in the first place, an AI driven, authoritarian state. A select few on here have been warning of this from day 1, called crazy, offered help for their mental health etc... Unfortunately, it seems to be unfolding infront of our eyes yet people still refuse to see this whole thing for what it is, a con. Whether it is due to ego and not wanting to be wrong or they genuinely think this is all real and all the responses are being made by well intentioned people with everyone's best interests at heart, I don't know. But what I do know is that it is getting very late in the game now and we need to start coming together on this.
And who, exactly, is behind all this? I suspect you're going to say a collection of people like George Soros so, given that people like that are already filthy rich on the bak of what were flourishing economies, why would they want to bankrupt the world? Why was Trump bragging about a greater economy than the US had ever seen only to crash it? If all the leaders of the world's economic powers are being manipulated as you'd have us believe why did Trump and Johnson try to minimise covid when it first appeared. Trump killed probably over a hundred thousand people in denying it and Johnson probably tens of thousands through inaction. So how come they didn't get the message? Your mate casual tyke literally said the other day that the plan was to reduce the world population. So was the plan to reduce it by denying covid and letting people die or was it to kill them with a vaccine? What about Bolsonaro? How come the leader of one of the world's biggest economies been allowed to buck the vaccine/covid hysteria plan? Surely "they" would have had him bumped off by now? Given these shadowy elite are already powerful and immensely rich why would they want to hamstring the system thst made them exactly that? Or is it that there is no plan at all. If there is please provide names and evidence.
Seems a very protracted way of doing things. Let's be right, we're tracked and monitored all the time anyway. Automation has been happening for decades.
Well done Sir! You have just won the batshit crazy post of the year! (In the face of strong competition.)
Energy and Supply Chain issues are what’s hammering inflation. Supply Chain will ease off in the next 12 months if the economic recovery is not hampered by further restrictions and lockdowns etc. Energy prices are a little more complicated. Interest rates were always going to rise when the economy got going again - it’s just a case of slight tweaks against it with interest rate increases - but not too much. In some respects, it’s almost akin to a false/temporary inflation if that makes sense. The key thing to remember though, is that it’s not just the UK, it’s also the same in mainland Europe and other countries. In fact Germany have bigger issues with it than us.
It's not all about Brexit. The oil prices & shortages of certain goods / components are forcing up prices here, as they are elsewhere in Europe. Import duties & the shortage of labour certainly are factors however in driving up costs & hence prices.
The inflation figures are misleading. You only need to nip in to the supermarkets to see food prices have increased more than 5.1%. Look how much stuff costing 60-70p is now 80-90p. Some non food household items have gone up 25%.
Depends what you are buying but things have always fluctuated like that, especially seasonal stuff like Vegetables where we import more during the winter months. Add that to supply and demand. Not saying there isn't some impact at the moment but it is very hard to compare especially month on month.
You can't work in the public sector then In my line of work, we've probably had about 10% overall in a decade.