One of the finest people I ever played cricket with has passed away. Great wicket keeper, batsman. A truly lovely man. RIP Arthur.
So sorry to hear that sad news. I well remember watching in awe as Arthur stood up to Ian Mann who, shall we say, was more than a bit quick. RIP Arthur
I played with Arthur as a young kid. An absolutely brilliant wicket keeper but more importantly a great bloke. I have always kept in regular contact with him over the years and I’m absolutely gutted he’s left us. He was one of my heroes. RIP old mate.
If it’s the same Arthur Angel from Wombwell, we were in the same class at Barnsley Holgate. Sad to hear of his untimely death. I remember he was a very quiet lad at school, never in bother and a good cricket and footballer. RIPto an old schoolmate.
sorry to hear that,saw him a few times at Darfield a very good a keeper he was on a personnel level came across him when he was umpiring at a game at Warmsworth and he said to me as me an my mate had put a hundred on "thats one of the best opening partnerships ive ever seen" you always remember kind comments like that RIP
That was very typical of him. He was always encouraging and freely gave good advice. He was a pleasure to bowl to behind the stumps. Even when I played against him he'd be complimentary or say "pick thi bat up straight". A sad loss.