Not necessarily a good thing either TBH , they will be starting moves to get BJ out, and might find somebody competent to replace him
Possibly though I'm sure I read Labour were second in the past three elections in that seat. Could be a mix of Labour voters going tactical and Tory voters who won't ever vote Labour?
Doubtful, Truss, Sunak, Rees Mogg, Raaaaaaaab??? The moderates aren't right wing enough, they've attacked the PM and colleagues. The puddle of talent is pretty much dried up.
The only ones who are vaguely competent are Gove (would need a personality transplant to be considered) and Sunak (he'd need a complete skin transplant to please the xenophobic tory faithful) so who's it going to be? You see the unfortunate thing for the poor old tories is that the ERG lot have taken over the party and in the process got rid of almost all the moderate sensible people in favour of rabid right-wing Brexiteers or yes men/women pretending to be such for sake of their careers, like Truss.
The same Sunak that is in California refusing to offer any kind of future to business owners in the hospitality industry? Imagine having a scientist close your business down live on television whilst the PM stood there offering zero financial support or any kind of hope. December is worth 30% of the annual profits to the industry and it's taken away, just like that, without a plan. People underestimate how big and influential the hospitality industry is. He's not making many friends right now.
Incidentally I eventually got a couple of replies from my MP Heather Wheeler, one of which she states categorically that she wasn't at any parties in Downing Street last December. She hasn't said whether she's written to the 1922 committee yet though.....
Sunak's past in banking won't make feel warm and fuzzy. He may also be off the wrong British appearance to some in society. Mind you Brexit Hardman Baker was a banker at Lehmann's in a senior position when it collapsed. I watch a lot of the select Committee meetings, will say I've always been impressed by Damien Collins and Tom Tugenhat ( Spelling wrong I know). Tobias Elwood does well but he's been both a critic and cheerleader at times. Same with Hunt. Truss fills me with dread, so many talented female MPs and we could end up with her. To put it blunty she's thick as pig ****. Did you see Penny Maudant speech in US? Toe curlingly embarrassing.
There are two things to consider here. Firstly, the process the tories go through to select a leader. Firstly, you have to get through the MP phase until you have 2 left. Those 2 are then presented to the tory members. The tory membership is pretty screwed up. I've seen research data from that membership group. Much of that group is male and over 75. There has also been infiltration by far right groups to boost the membership to circa 180k at the last election. That means its much harder to get anyone more centrist through at the final phase and that nationalism and more of the same is likely (and you have to wonder what donations from what sources will be made behind the scenes). The second aspect is Sunak himself. He's in California on holiday.... I mean.. meeting US business leaders. That there is no evidence of it being a business trip for someone who likes to take every photo op going is curious. We've then heard today that there is doubt he dialled into a call of UK business leaders yesterday when he did a piece to camera saying he was talking to UK business leaders. He's also the richest person in the commons and it doesn't take much to see how murky his route to such wealth has been. His so called support during the pandemic has been incredibly skewed, and frankly disingenuous. I know some business contacts who didn't receive a single penny in support and were pushed down the route of "subsidised" govt backed loans. But the banks wouldn't offer them because of the lack of govt guarantees and instead pushed their own loans at much more punishing rates. We've also got his finger marks over the cuts to things that were said not to be cut. And to the breaks for the super rich amid some of the most regressive policies of recent times (and thats saying something!) We've then got the issue of race and given the level of racism in this country, I would be very surprised if he was able to win any run off in the tory membership, but then also appeal to the wider nation and secure votes in the north, middle england and out in rural england. I'd be much more concerned if they managed to be more moderate and went for an outsider like Tom Tugenhadt.
Have I missed something about hospitality closing again? Barely followed the pandemic rules recently can’t keep track of the changes.
TBH I think out of the usual suspects anybody they pick (with the the exception of Gove, Truss or JRM) would be seen as an improvement. The only thing Truss is good for is her 'appearances' on Dead Ringers