1) He's a stooge of big business. 2) He doesn't need a salary. 3) When he leaves government he will be picking any job he wants.
He’s currently on a ‘work trip’ in California, where unsurprisingly he has a beachside property, which is no big deal, it’s only 1 of his 12 houses. Clearly he’s in politics for the benefit of you and I and not so he can use his influence to make himself and his mates richer.
To be fair if there was 3 candidate's to chose from, norris, starmer and a tortoise id be leaning towards the tortoise. No suprise they have lost the seat be 1st of many.
He thought he was a 'Titan' in the World of politics. He is looking more and more like the Titan-ic of politics! The problem is we all get dragged down in the undertow as the ship sinks. The biggest problem is finding credible replacements. We need a dictatorship Pick me! Pick me!
don't underestimate people's gullibility. the same groundswell of people who bought the Brexit line, then the 'anyone but corbyn' line, only need a few weeks of media brainwashing to forget all this
The major problem we are going to have in 18 months is not the tories imploding but where their voters go. I can see a return of that gurning cockwomble Farage and plenty of voters jumping on his bandwagon again
The gullibility for many is in overdrive atm. In the same way that Trump managed to charm the religious right (despite being a liar, prostitute user, multiple divorcee) because they pandered to their anti-immigrant, white supremacy feelings. The current Tory leadership have lots of sympathy despite raising taxes, pouring money down the drain etc. just because they bang on about ‘illegal immigrants’ and ‘getting Brexit done’.