Charlatan . . . . Boris Rapscallion . . . . Boris Blackguard . . . Boris Bounder . . . . Boris Picaro . . . . . Boris Mountebank . . Boris Any other suggestions, please keep them clean I'm looking for lexicographers.
dastard [ˈdastəd, ˈdɑːstəd] NOUN dated humorous a dishonourable or despicable man. synonyms: scoundrel · villain · rogue · rascal · brute · animal · weasel · snake · monster · ogre · wretch · devil · good-for-nothing · reprobate · wrongdoer · evil-doer · picaro · blackguard · miscreant · varlet · vagabond · rapscallion ·
Cutpurse (pickpocket) Peterman (thief) Picaroon (scoundrel) All useful words when discussing money, in particular amounts of £750k.
We should also ban the practice of converting nouns into verbs.e.g. To gift, to medal and one I came across the other day, to Charity shop which I think would be defined as to donate something to a charity via one of their shops. It is an awful practice imported from the United States.
He must be adept, he's got away with it pretty much his whole life and is only now being found out because of non-COVID compliant parties. All his real and serious lies don't seem to have been noticed.
I think he's been more adept at cosying up to individuals groups and organisations who cover for him, rather than his actual skill as a liar.