I’ll kick off if nobody minds? My dear friend Matty. Musician & an awesome human,/civil / animal rights lawyer. Lived in Kentish Town, half mile north of Camden. Virus took him early, in the pandemic. April 2020. I could post better tunes, but he’s here on bass for David & looking ******* great. My pal.xx
People talk such crap & really know nowt. I took a different path to most Barnsley kids & worked my arse off, for better or worse. Music & art. Whatever. I’ve failed, I know I have. Barely have a pot to piss in. There’s a lovely, valued member of this forum, proper Reds fan. Going through terrible grief. I ain’t going to say who & please don’t speculate. They will talk, when ready. I’m not getting political or telling anyone how to behave. But I’ve been grieving a friend for 18 months, you’ll understand when it arrives in your house..
Irrespective of anything else you haven't failed at all. You are a quite amazing person who has achieved so much in their life. You have memories and stories to tell that I could only dream of and that is worth so much more than money imo. As for the bbser in question. I hope they can find the strength within themselves to fight through their grief as I hope you can too
Feel really fortunate not to have been directly affected by it but know enough people who have. Whoever the BBS er is, my condolences and I hope you find the courage to come through this. You know where we are if/ when you need us.
sounds like you're being very harsh on yourself there mate. I don't know you personally, but you come across as a genuine caring bloke, who's spent your life following your passion. that's a lot more than many.
Yeah it really hit home last Christmas Eve my uncle died and his wife of 50 years couldn’t even be by his side. Then another relative admittedly with issues died shortly after the new year. Then a good friend of the missis a nurse ended up touch and go in iCU for a period a couple of weeks ago. Brought it all back. It’s really difficult with that background to listen to people who haven’t been touched by it spreading disinformation (whether on purpose or because they believe it). Life in the end we all fail. We all somewhere have an ‘ideal’ of ourselves that we don’t live up to but still we struggle on.
I liked your comment but don't ever class yourself a failure. Money seems to be the only metric used for success, which is wrong. Yep it makes life much easier, but I'd rather live my life delivering on my civic and moral duty than sell my soul for money.
Failed by a long way, mate. I set my bars unreasonably high. & am covered in mud after the fall. the person in question, will talk when they are ready. It’s unbearably sad.
Well they've got all our support, if they need any advice they know we'll all do our best. I know there are others on here struggling, but I'd like to think all of us would rally and support not just a fellow fan but a human being who quite easily could be in the situation at some point.
Rest in peace Matthew, and to Mr C, whilst very few of us know you personally, I hope you realise that via this forum you've built relationships that while they may not seem significant to you, are indicative of a fellow who has a huge impact on the world. We must all aspire to be Mr C! Christ, how has this pandemic become something where our behaviours and beliefs are considered a political statement? A virus which affects us all, can infect us all, and will attack those of us that are least able to defend against it must surely be the great leveller, the true test of whether our care for our fellow man is greater than our self interest. How horribly are we failing that test? I see every argument of mask or no, vaccine or no, lockdown or no as a complete distraction of the key question: what do we need to do to protect our most vulnerable from this threat? Whatever it is, that's what we must do, and our politicians have failed throughout to even table this questions - let alone address it. For every discussion on any of these topics, there's one or many Mr C's grieving a friend or relative who have gone before their time due to this dreadful disease. I wish we could focus more on the humanity of this awful situation, and reject a culture than asks us to accept that almost a thousand deaths every day should be something that divides us rather than unifying us.
I suppose I’m pretty good looking after the old Jack Russells, nobody else wants? Pod is coming to me soon. 14, another orphan. Don’t he look like my Alf, the last one?
tune for thee, Matty is on bass. He also did some nice work with the Thompson Twins & Thomas Dolby. But this for me, is very special..
You haven't failed at all mate. Not to me anyway. Your artwork is amazing. Your work of the old Oakwell, with the terraces, where I first stood with my Dad as a kid, is brilliant. It brings a tear to my eye every time I stand and look at it. We can't bring that terracing back, literally. Except you can with your work, and it's captured for evermore. Memories of a bygone era. I'm looking at it right now. Cheers Paul.
I'm not going to delve deep or ask prying questions, but I will say that if you ever need a natter you know where I am buddy. Failure is a really strong word and it's not something I'd associate with you at all. You've obviously lived a rich and full life and now you're giving second chances to what most people would class as lost causes. That's not a failure. In my book that's a success and something we should all aspire to. Money in the bank is not how we should measure our worth, it's what we contribute to the world around us. And I know you've contributed infinitely more than most.
I hope they do because if it’s who I think it is they are a truly good person. As for yourself anybody who can turn out the artwork you do and care for animals like you do can never be a failure.