Stockbroker rips off thousands of small investors and lives the high life. Man gets sent to prison for a crime he didn’t commit, gets a rock hammer and tunnels to escape.
Two lasses decide to go for a short break during which one of them shoots a bloke dead and one of them commits armed robbery. They decide their car can defy the laws of gravity and drive it over the cliff. Wrong call........
Not one film... but a synopsis of every Catherine Cookson film that's been on every Sunday for months on freeview... Poverty stricken but beautiful Geordie girl... has a bit of trouble... meets rich guy... has a bit of trouble... marries him and lives happily ever after.
Guy wears tights, is into swinging, shoots sticky fluid, fights other folk in tights and he generally wins.
I - Man doesn't win at boxing II - Man does win at boxing III - Man doesn't win at boxing then does IV - Man wins at boxing against big Russian V - Meh