A woman kills an alien A woman kills lots of aliens A woman kills herself and an alien A woman has a baby alien and kills it Meh
Tom Hanks in a oner starts out as a toy cowboy, plays a game and bosssts out of his trousers to become a man crashes a plane int wata, shags a mermaid and looses his ball floating around the ocean gets picked up by a cargo ship which gets attacked by pirates, but cant sleep thinking of there lass. so sets off running to find her an gets shot on the way trying to help his mate ryan rests up at the airport and gets a job in prison where this big bloke helps him pee ends up on a train to see santa, stops off on the way to catch his other mate leo then cops an unfortunate welk by shaggin his other mate n croaks it and ends up on a cloud. THE END
Englishman/secret agent in a tuxedo Has to take down some Dr evil type character Guaranteed to pull pretty girl Uses some hi-tech gadgets to defeat the villain X 20+ movies
What a brilliant thread. Some very creative minds out there. More interesting than the football. "Student shags parents friend then shah's parents friends daughter. Then they run away." "Old Italian guy runs family firm. Dies in garden" My weak attempt;