New Jersey teenager moves to California, meets a gang of bullies, learns Karate from a handyman (1984)
I - Cowboy meets Spaceman. They get lost then find their way home. II - Cowboy gets lost again, Spaceman finds him and takes him home. III - Cowboy and Spaceman and all their mates get lost again and find their way home IV - Cowboy and Spaceman have a new home but get lost again, then something about a fork and a female shepherd or summat.
Bloke exploits local slave labour market and makes a fortune. Transfers workforce miles away from home then leaves them without a pot to **** in. Even wears some poor guy's tooth as a ring. Gandhi wrote the sodding list.
Woman meets a bloke in the summer at night, they both sing and dance a lot, she puts on some skin tight black trousers and they fly away in a car, but he gets shot because a boxer's wife forgot to pack his watch. Thinking about it, this might be two films.
1. Three soldiers and a nurse drive across desert so they can have a beer. 2. A big ship overturns. Lots die. A few escape.
Tom Cruise is absolutely brilliant but arrogant, screws up and then redeems himself by being brilliant again
A lovesick giant gorilla whisks woman away to the top of a tall building, but only manages to make an impression on the pavement.