I used to half believe these nutters were plants, to take attention away from investigations and scrutiny. It turns out all you need to do is upload a comment on Reddit, 4Chan or Facebook and just sit back and watch it grow. CIA went to great lengths in the past, now they must all sit around watching boxsets.
Last one for tonight. You told us back at the start of the year that Trump was going to be reinstated by means us mere mortals were not privy to. Why hasn't it happened? When will it happen? What do you think your credibility level is on any subject after that debate?
Wrong thread Churton. This one is about whether or not it is a good idea giving Covid vaccinations to children. The US Election is so last year. You're becoming borderline obsessive about it.
To be fair it must be pretty easy to make the odd typo while you're watching American Football and giving Churton a reach around.
No. As long as you continue to post absurd rubbish on this site I'll continue to throw that in your face. So answer the question because your refusal to do so just illustrates that you and your bizarre theories on any given subject have no leg to stand on.
You sound like our dear PM, and his less able lieutenant Raaaaab! It was last year and doesn't count?! Let's talk about something or anything else than this. Unfortunately you're the boy who cried Q, it lead to the opposite of what you said would happen. In fact folk died, got injured and then locked up. So you're now still using the same unreliable sources to peddle more damaging nonsense. You might want to be careful going forward, at some point folk who spread dangerous propaganda might be legally liable.
Aren't you the individual who reckons they're part of top 1% in their professional field world and galaxy wide? Could be wrong, had a vague recollection. Anyways 2nd half is underway.
Nick noodle arm Mullen's doing exactly what he did for the Niners, nothing! Thought it might be interesting with the teams being hit by covid in key positional groups. In top 3 for worst games of the season.
I quite like Nick Mullen but someone sat here thinks exactly the same as you! The Raiders really are poor this year.
This thread probably needs a purge - it's degenerated into name calling and worse. The OP got a fair few decent answers over the first few pages before it went South.
accusing your opponent of being gay (and presuming everyone agrees it’s an insult) Always a sign of maturity and supreme intellect.
Game got a little bit better, but not by much. Raiders started so well, then the whole Gruden thing came out and then they had issues with players getting arrested. Kyle Shanahan liked Mullens, never saw the attraction. He had a goodish offensive line protecting him last year. Also had weapons to hit, always had a feeling the players knew once Jimmy G went down the season was over. Thankfully this year Jimmy G seems loads more durable and he's slinging it. Might have something to do with the backup not being Nick Mullens, and the starter in waiting.