If roses are red. Why are violets blue. ? If prunes are dried plums, where does prune juice come from? Why do round Pizzas come in square boxes. ? What is zero in Roman numerals. ? Any others ?
In answer to the 4th question. There isn't one. "The concept of zero as a written digit in the decimal place value notation was developed in India, presumably as early as during the Gupta period (c. 5th century), with the oldest unambiguous evidence dating to the 7th century."
There's a really interesting difference between the concept of 'nothing' (which the Romans would definitely have had) and that of 'zero' (which they may not). Having nothing is easy enough to understand, but contemplating zero of a thing - like zero sheep, or zero bottles of wine - is a wildly different prospect when you think about it. I think about this kind of thing a lot! Also see negative numbers, which don't exist unless you've either invented them or are an accountant.
1) Is there another word for “Thesaurus”? 2) Why does Tarzan never have a beard? 3) What colour is a mirror? 4) what do people who are born deaf hear when they think? 5) why do Wednesday fans think they are massive?
is zero only come into play in betting accounts when you put 50 pounds in and at end of week it says zero
Does this mean that there is another question and answer meeting with the ceo? Do you know, I already can't remember his name
I assume 3/4 Dead. In fact I'm proof according tut mrs. 1st time it happened twas from the waist down. 2nd time with what's left is neck up. Believe it or not I'm just a torso.
1. Theycaughtusintheglimpseofaneye. 2. Alopecia of the Jaw. 3. Whatever colour is put in front of it. 4. The sea. 5. They don't think it. They know it. Any more I can help with ?