As ah live in poggy ah pay for parking tother day there's was a lady and her daughter looking at restriction notice and looking really worried.. so ah asked wot was up and she said her daughter had a hospital appointment but car park was full and they dint kno wot to as I was off out I offered her my drive to help her out...really grateful and offered me money which I declined and off ah went with her thanks ....came home to a note attached to a lvly box off M&S extra chocolate biscuits which said. Thank you for your kindness...lvly lady.
Happy birthday @JamDrop . I've come down with a cold but the positive is its negative on the lateral flow! Great stories on this thread, I'm enjoying reading them.
I’ve ventured up north and get to spend Christmas with my mum which we couldn’t do last year for obvious reasons. The day before I drove up my wife had results from a clinical trial that related to covid antibodies. It seems the 3rd vaccine boosted her levels from circa 3% to around 30%. Not as high as others in the same study, but it’s something. It seems they start to wane quite quickly, but she’s scheduled for her booster (4th) in Jan so hopefully that can have a similar effect. Coupled with the early suggestions omicron is seemingly less potent, I think that qualifies for a hugely positive couple of days.
Not really uplifting or heartwarming but at the start of the year my partner Anne and I set ourselves a couple of targets. She does steps (counted on her watch) and she wanted to walk 2,000 miles this year. She achieved her target last week. I'm into cycling and set myself the goal of doing 10 miles a day (on average). I rode 24 miles today which brought my total to 3,638 miles, leaving 12 miles to complete it tomorrow.
About 6 weeks ago taking a friend to work in Deepcar - taking back roads - noticed a car parked in a roadside gateway (7 a.m. ) - went to investigate and it was a guy sleeping in the car - on way back got him a coffee and burger from Tankersley McDonalds - did this daily - finally spoke to him last Thursday - said he went to a Drug/Alcohol Rehab Centre in Sheffield. I contacted a Centre in Sheffield and from my description they knew who he was and they said they would help him. Not sure if I should have interfered but sleeping in a car (a Skoda!!) nightly in the middle of winter isn't going to do him any good. Since my phone call he hasn't been back - so hopefully his situation has improved. ----------------- And last night I won £30 on the Lotto and have given it towards the LGBTQ + Initiative at BFC. (dear reader whilst the above is true I must admit that at times I can be a fkn nasty t**t!)
Some lovely stories on this thread Nothing to write home about but I use my post office most weeks (mainly Depop) and they have been flat out as is to be expected this week. At the end of my transaction on Monday just before closing time (the 'last post day' before Christmas), I handed over the cash followed by a Christmas card for the staff at the branch. The cashier's face turned from weary, end of day, almost home time face to one of simple, heartfelt gratitude and a smile It was nothing really, but the staff really are lovely there, family-run and they genuinely care. The card was a small way to let them know their service is appreciated and to spread a bit of Christmas cheer.
Brill that mate. wot made me laugh was the accent on Skoda...a mate of mine used to say share a little luck and it comes back round....
Some fantastic stories on here, this year we are having our American part of the family coming over for the week. We haven’t seen them for four years due to the pandemic and other reasons. They have a little girl and we are so excited to see them both. Would of been taking the male to Boxing Day fixture, however a few pints of madri will have to suffice!
Happy Birthday for yesterday @JamDrop Hope you had a really nice day That price on the Multimeter is unbelievable - I dont need one but if I did its a no brainer to try it. I got one of the much more expensive (Fluke) ones when we closed our office down and forced us to work from home and as it was only going in the skip if no one wanted it I took it - also got a decent oscilloscope - though not sure I will ever use that but I do use the Multimeter regularly In keeping with this thread - this story I saw today fits the good news element