Hope everyone has the best Christmas yet! And those with young uns, enjoy those precious memories when they still believe!
Youngest last year of believing i think this one so he is trying to stay up to see. Have a lovely day tomorrow with yours.
Mines the same. 10 next month only fell asleep 35 mins ago. Weird we teach them not to lie when we have spun them years of it.
Mines 9 and I thought last year would be it. But he’s into it more than ever and definitely a true believer. We’ve spent this evening making reindeer food parcels, baking gingerbread men (badly) and tracking Santa online. I’ve enjoyed it every bit as much as he has! All the best to you and yours Helen. And the rest of the BBS of course. I hope everyone gets what they want from the Big Man, material or otherwise.
Mines 9 too. Just had to gnaw on 9 carrots, leave some crumbs of a mince pie. Down a glass of milk followed by a JD chaser. Currently writing a card from Santa in the same style of writing that I've done every year! All the best to the BBS!
I've just eaten half a carrot and drunk a glass of milk before going to bed, and we're both well into our thirties with no kids. The magic doesn't have to die. Merry Christmas!
My young un's nine too. Told him to put out the mince pie and raspberries for Father Christmas and he came back laughing. On the plate was a note "Hi Dad". To be fair he's been telling me he's not real all year but I've been shrugging him off.
My son's just been on his new laptop and informed me he's in Huston, Texas! Love the note @budmustang but why raspberries!?
My son's just been on his new laptop and informed me he's in Huston, Texas! Love the note @budmustang but why raspberries!?
My son's just been on his new laptop and informed me he's in Huston, Texas! Love the note @budmustang but why raspberries!?
My son's just been on his new laptop and informed me he's in Huston, Texas! Love the note @budmustang but why raspberries!?
Happy Christmas. We left reindeer food out last night. Santa brought George an I Pad for pink gin he drank last night.