The players were coming out of the dressing room to go training. Hugo Colace was wearing blue boots as he went past Norman. Rimmo says “ Ar tha goin art t’ laik or goin to a dance?”
So, I spy Barry Murphy, John Bettany, Jimmy Robson, Norman Dean, Dave Booth, George Hamstead, Pat Howard, George Boardman, Brian Arblaster, Bob Earnshaw, Eddie Loyden?, John Evans. Struggling with the guy between Bettany and Robson, the chap on Hamstead’s back, and the one with two odd legs next to Howard. Big Lil may be able to help?
Is that Alan Bradbury on George Hamsteads back? I’m struggling with player between Jonn Bettany and Jimmy Robson but if I had to would guess Peter Graham.
Can you imagine any of those three putting up with some of the performances we’ve seen this year? I certainly can’t.