Strange for news like this to break at 21:58 - almost as if the decision was finalised following tonight's result...
You'll have to look at your mate's utterances more suspiciously from now on. In my opinion, if the pillocks in charge at the Well could possibly be credited with any sense, then I'd like to think that they'd agree with me and think that we should try and nail down a few temporary experienced smart strong midfield operators who might at least give us a fighting chance. Kane wasn't shipped off to Oxford because he was too good for us.
The only logical basis for doing this is financial. We get a fee and Kane likely maintains more of his resale value playing well for Oxford than he does coming back and playing in a demoralised, relegation-doomed team, for which they'd have to pay his wages. Expect more of this in the transfer window. Finance over ambition with every transaction. Anyone misguided enough to think we'll be recruiting to try to avoid relegation this season is going to be very disappointed.
What message does it send to Poya? "You're on your own mate, good luck. Oh and be a good sport and play a system that makes our players look like they're worth a few bob if you wouldn't mind - cheers"
To be fair he's probably knew that from Day One. There can be no other explanation for his appointment and his approach to football.
So we have the chance to bring in a central midfielder who's ripping it up at the top of the division below and pass it up. We must have some right players lined up for next week then, otherwise that's the final nail in the coffin for me.
It’s financial. End of. Cash crisis beckons unless they manage to offload players, preferably for cash. It has nothing to do with us or our league status. Purely financial, and without more of the same we will be in real trouble, given they will not invest a penny piece of their own.
Well if he's that good and he's going to save us single-handedly from relegation, or be the one who at least displays a measure of talent in our midfield, then surely it would be worth their while to bring him back? Cos his value would increase. However, if they bring him back and he's crap....
Come on people this is not unexpected....In a footballing world a half fit kane would walk into our not saying his return would keep us saying his return would improve our perfomances and get us a few extra points. However this is football talk.....our beloved club is in the hands of profiteers who for a few quid will sell the goalposts and tea ladies!
I dont think thats the point. We played 2 center midfielders tonight both as bad as each other,weak as piss, both gave the ball away plenty, both struggled to pass the ball apart from sideways backwards if kane isnt better then that he should pack in.
That was half my point. Six months ago he was getting slated, and now we're up in arms that he's not coming back. Shows how weak our midfield is.