In exchange for who? Seems a bit of a daft question if theres no one wanting to buy us, no one at all, again. If theres a feasible alternative then it is a valid question, if not then it's just moaning
I get what you are saying but these tossers don't give a s**t about us and I think that they will come a point very soon where people just say b****cks to em .relegation is part of football but the way these clowns are letting it happen is criminal
These owners indicated they would only stay as long as it was felt they were wanted. If they were to exit then it would be for them to find a buyer, not the fans. After all, who had heard of Lee, Conway et al before their takeover was announced? Fact is, the relationship has gone sour with large numbers of the fanbase, and this can be expected to be reflected in reduced ST sales when renewal time comes around. The club is not stable in the Championship, and it is hard to believe the owners have made any money. Their desire to own the ground appears to be on indefinite hold. So the relationship is not working for anyone. Let them find a buyer. Preferably one who wants to move things forward somehow.
As an alternative to the current owners, I’m quite happy to take over. So long as fans don’t expect any investment from me, I promise not to take any money out and run the club on a self-sustainable footing.
If we're taken over it needs to be by billionaires with genuine ambition. Like em' or loathe them the only guys who are able to broker such a deal are Conway and co.
As long as you promise not to make Paul Conway the CEO, I would be fine with that. This is the annoying thing. Fans will be on board with the principle of not spending money that we don't have, but spending the money we do have on building a football club, not a conveyorbelt of kids to chuck under the bus.
My problem is we don't even bring in the best young talent available. Miller, Schmidt, Adeboyejo, Thomas, Sibbick, Oduor. I could go on.
And we never will. The best 19-22 year olds will cost millions and likely be on comfortably five figures a week. We need to sign first team players for the first team, and academy players for the academy, and give them a chance when they're ready. Otherwise we end up with all those players named, and if they end up being ready to play at Championship level, it will be at the end of their contracts.
"And so we want to be in a town like this where the people want us here. But if one day we're told '**** off', then maybe that'd be the time to say 'my goodness', and look at things differently." Paul Conway...... 27th August 2021. 4 months later Paul, surely you can see by your own criteria, times up.
I never had an issue with the board until they started piping up about last year being unsuccessful because we didn’t make any money in the summer on player sales, despite it being a pandemic window. They all need to go. Bunch of *******.
Yep. Get in the bin. They essentially have spent less money than the people that have posted in this thread did last home game. Go.