Everything comes from the top. If you are in charge of any organisation, its success or failure is down to you and the decisions you make.
No it doesn't. It's an idiom for the failure of leadership and known to most. Although perhaps not to you.
I would suggest it’s the Dane Murphy situation and his position we should be looking at. He came on a “fixed visa”, this was known from the outset and the owners must have known for some time he wasn’t resigning, if they didn’t that shows a huge lack of professionalism or naivety. He would have known for some time he wasn’t resigning and maybe even going to Forest, did he take his eye off the ball(no pun intended) and let things slide in the club? As an example he should have known the chances of VI staying was slim, did he ensure that the impact of him leaving was minimised by being close to other club staff, it doesn’t seem so with so many recent changes. That said, his line manager (Conway) should have been ensuring all the above was happening too. Said in a previous post there has been lots said about Conway, a lot of it made from assumptions but IMO he is not capable of running a club and should be kept well away from it.
Could you reword your last paragraph. Just so no one takes exception to it. I say this as someone with experience of a club owner taking exception to something I wrote on here and you don't want to go through that.
Hi Jay, appreciate the sentiment but I’m struggling to understand how I can reword? I’m just giving an opinion (IMO) based on the fact he has held the position of CEO twice and each time has led to a footballing situation like where we are today. That’s not a personal attack on him as a person, just his ability to do a job. Is that any different to people coming on here and calling players and their performances? If there is something libellous etc you’ve spotted of course would appreciate the feedback.
I would have thought the last sentence, even though I agree with you, would be difficult to defend should someone decide to take legal action. It's not "I think he's crap", it's "he's clear he's not capable". I'm not suggesting the current board are in the business of taking fans to court for things they write on football forums, I've seen no evidence of that, but if they were I believe that's one comment you may have difficulty with.
Ok, thanks, I’ve removed the clear bit to I believe he’s not capable, personally I think the fact I’ve clearly pre-empted it with In my opinion, I was covered as it was clear it was an opinion not a fact. Thanks again.
"The buck stops here." Harry Truman, U.S. president. Top man, head of everything. Accepting resonsibility. A bit like Conway. Who is not to blame. For anything. Not his fault.