In all seriousness though, where are the £50 vouchers? It's a joke that the club have said on Twitter that they'll pass it on to the relevant department. They surely have a legal obligation to send out the vouchers that paying fans were promised? Appaling from the club this. Holding the fans in contempt.
Don’t get your hopes up. Even if/when they do appear, the story seems to be these could be partner/affiliate/partial vouchers. I wouldn’t expect to just get £50 to spend however you want.
Breach of contract. Simple case. Doesn't affect me but I saw somebody on a previous post saying they would sue. A lot shot them down but personally, it would show our owners that we are not going to meekly take anything they do. I look at clubs that have got rid of bad owners like Blackpool and Charlton and I came to a conclusion the militancy of fans was a major factor. (took a while though)
I'm not affected personally but it angers me for those that are. I have no doubt it won't be £50 straight credit, but even more reason to distribute them. I think there is a lot of grey area with these here owners and some of the anger may be misplaced, but with these vouchers it is inexcusable, and there really is nothing they can say to legitimately get out of it. It's not as if we are in administration and the club oversold themselves. Those fans paid for them, and they should have received them. In August at the latest. I think it's scandalous. And let's not forget the silence of the 20% either. They are all culpable, and if we are leaning heavily and apportioning blame to the 80%, then we should also question why the 20% haven't knocked on Chien's (virtual) door and said, 'about these vouchers, can we at least appease the fans a little and give them what they are owed'. The 20% are not blameless in all of this either.
A lot of mis-quotes lately, so a direct quote, for transparency: 'We do not have a further update but your query has been forwarded to the relevant department. We will update as soon as we have one.' December, 2021.
This is my latest reply from Beth, received yesterday morning: I’ve been given no further update. I have forwarded your query to our head of commercial and head of marketing for a response. Sounds to me like her bosses are about as effective at communicating with their staff as their customers. I genuinely feel sorry for the decent, honest staff working at BFC who have to front up for these owners. Hats off to them.