I seem to recall something about confectionery not allowed to contain "none food items" or some terminology along those lines.
They changed them for sale there so that they are two separate halves when you open the outer wrapper, with one half having chocolate in and the other half having the toy. They’re not allowed to have none edible things hidden inside food incase someone accidentally eats it.
It’s really not the case regarding no bars and I’ve spent a lot of time in the US over the last decade or so across a dozen different states. I’ve probably been out for just drinks 100+ times in the last five years and never once had to order food to stay. There is a different culture though where the bar and restaurant scenes almost merge in to one at times, with is a bit alien to what we have over here. People go and grab a drink at the bar in a restaurant with I always find a bit weird. Let’s not forget the giant sports bar concept originated in the US. You definitely don’t need to order food to stay in those. Of course it could have been very different a while ago during the decade being referenced.
I lived in the US for years, I had a concealed carry permit, I had loaded guns in my house and on my person. They never killed anyone because they are inanimate objects and I am not a idiot.....
Did you ever get burgled? And why did you feel the need to have guns in your house and on your person? We're having a problem with teenaged boys stabbing each other. A knife is an inanimate object never hurt anyone, do you think it will help the situation if carrying knives became legal?
I’m not defending the gun culture, or attacking it. However, I just want to say that I have lived in California since 1996. Since 2005 I have lived in the inner city of San Francisco. I have traveled and worked in many parts of this country, often for months at a time. In all this time I have seen guns drawn three times; twice by police and once by DEA. It’s not always what you see on TV, read in the papers, or as portrayed online.
I think that is more a knee jerk reaction to the situation with guns in the US. He must be in a kind of living hell.
If it's not as bad as we think then why do so many people in the US feel the desperate need to own/carry guns?
I'm sure the bloke in question would have said the exactly the same up until the day of the shooting...
A study found that for every time a gun in the home was used in a self-defense or legally justifiable shooting, there were four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides. But "muh freedoms" mean it won't change.
Exactly. That is always my thought when thinking about anything stupid and risky, no one before it went wrong thought it would happen to them but that didn’t protect them at the time. How many people speeding seriously expected to crash? How many people standing on the pier during a storm with huge waves really thought they would be swept over the side and drowned? Just thinking you’re better than the ones who did it before you doesn’t make it true.
Now see there have been 3 killed at a New Year party, although this seems to have been an unforeseen circumstance as who could see anything kicking off just because there was booze and they were allowed to take assault rifles!