The BBS is getting harder to read nowadays because almost every post is hi- jacked.I get some are unhappy and thats personal choice and it's not even a problem thats the freedom people have but to bring your views into other posts makes it harder to read and have debate.For example Tarntyke who is an interesting poster and also a decent bloke creates a thread regarding transfer rumours which at this time of year is very relevant and its bombarded with attacks on the club. If theres a transfer rumour post are we better off keeping it to that I think most would find it more informative.
Do you think though Fonzie when there's a post about transfer rumours you should be able to click on the link and see whats out there?
Are you sure you're not just upset that it's criticism of those who you have spent the last few years defending at all costs?
I think the point BMW is making is that certain peoples agendas or strong opinions appear in discussions that aren't relevant to the opinion they are pushing. If there's a thread on transfer rumours and speculation, you would expect to see players names and fees not someone having a pop at the owners or the closure of the West stand. I get that we all have strong and sometimes differing opinions on how the club should be run or what we think of the board but not every topic posted needs to be a sh*t slinging competition
The BBS is like a pub or a gathering. Threads are discussions and discussions evolve over time. I've never once been in a pub where there were tables with signs hanging above them dictating what must be said and if anyone deviated from that they were ejected from the table. Also as Fonzie said, you wouldn't expect someone to randomly start naming pubs in a transfer discussion either but BMW did just that
But the beauty of a forum unlike a boozer is that there's topics and sub topics that are created for people to discuss and have input on certain subjects. It just gets stupid at times you start reading a thread that is about transfers which you are interested in only to get so far down for it to be overtaken by political agendas or opinions that are not interested in discussing the chosen subject .
Maybe it has to a lesser degree, I've been coming on here since the late 90s so I might not be as wet behind the ears as you think. Maybe the board is now just a victim of modern society and the blame culture
It'll end up being loads of different threads anyway if and when transfers happen. I can't think of a single thread rhat has only had posts relating to the OP on it.
There is nothing positive to say. Should we all stay silent? In which case there is no message board. Maybe that is the way forward.
Threads always mutate on here. Its like watching Bruce Banner. Personally it doesn't bother me what people chip in with. If Stephen Dawson wants to change a post of us being bottom of the table into a carry-on-esques joke about posteriors then I don't mind. We can start another reset thread anytime we want. Current invasion of threads with anti-board comments is just people venting cos they're fed up. Can't blame em.