Well done Nigel Farage, RNLI fund raiser extraordinaire... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news...sing-rnli-royal-national-lifeboat-institution
Good to see people are waking up to the nonsense these charlatans like Farage, Patel, and Johnson are spinning the public, my hope now is that Brexit will be kicked into the long grass.
I don’t disagree at all with the sentiment but kick Brexit into the long grass? If only it was possible to do so
We will rejoin the single market and customs union within the next 10 years. Not sure about full membership though, I'll probably be 6 foot under before then....
I’m not a racist but ….. I can’t see this going down too well with many Brexiters Surely We voted to Leave Europe to prevent people wilt the wrong skin colour coming over here and taking our jobs and benefits didn’t we https://www.theguardian.com/politic...to-ease-immigration-rules-for-indian-citizens Surely this isn’t what the Brexit champions were thinking exchanging Indians for Poles and Germans.
Don't you realize Farnham that there are no Poles or Germans in this Tory Government but if you look closely there are a few with Indian extraction?.
He’s inspired me to donate. Every time I see an article about people being kn0bheads towards them, I drop them a tenner.
Me too, I've donated online then again with cash in Filey. Any time I see a lifeboat house, I'll chip in.
According to a recent poll, 45% of people now say they think Johnson/Farage/Rees Smug weren't just wrong about Brexit but deliberately lied to get people to vote against their own interests.
The problem with this, and it’s a massive one looming is the idiots who voted Brexit because they dont like foreign people (and there many millions before anyone who voted Brexit starts) will vote for more Brexit. A doubling down is imminent and that cockwomble Farage and his reform party will run on some tougher immigration / anti sleeze drain the swamp manifesto (sound familiar) and they will lap it up.
If this dumbnut of a Brexit minister Truss carries out her threat of triggering Article 16 just to please Smogg, Steve "Brexit hardman" Baker, the DUP, and the rest of the rabble, it will throw the good Friday agreement under a bus, it will be very interesting what the USA, EU, and Ireland retaliate with.
Nothing but respect and admiration for the brave volunteers of the RNLI. Some of them are just teenagers risking their lives. One of the always donate to charities on my list.
Just when I thought the inhabitants of our island had completely lost their moral compass, this news gives me hope
I'm really happy to hear about the support for the RNLI. I read about that crowd trying to stop the boats going out, and while I understand the politics of it, this is an amazing organisation. Calling for them to stop saving some lives, only save others sent a cold chill down my back. If I were British, I'd be bloody proud of this.
I've got to agree with you. We have just passed the anniversary of the Penlee lifeboat disaster. If anything shouts out bravery this tragedy does. If you are not aware of this tragic tale just google it and marvel at the selflessness of those volunteers.
I posted on here during the referendum, and said the same during the last general election - there are a lot of thick/stupid people that share the planet with us. Gullible, ill-educated, idiots. And they’re targeted brilliantly by the right-wing politicians. So you’re right. There’ll be no admission that things haven’t gone to plan and that perhaps they were wrong after all. They’ll lap up the next right-wing lie and run with it. Stupid *****.
A lot of us are mate. But there are still people (I use the term loosely) who would be happy to see desperate people drowning in the Channel because they don't have white skin or they speak a foreign language.