Anyone with young children this is a great game to play together and would highly recommend ( bought one PlayStation store for £17 down from £40) Not a big gamer myself but it’s so addictive and good fun to play with the family
My kids played the hell out of this. Highly recommended. It's disappointing to see that most new releases are still 18 rated and after that there are only a negligible amount of games for two people playing together (couch co-op). It's been slim pickings for the last 15 months or so.
Great game. The devs also did A Way Out which is for older audiences. Same kind of game where each one of you controls a different character.
Bugger - back up to £35 now. I've been really disappointed with PS5 to be honest. My lad was over the moon to get one for Christmas but after a few squash matches of FIFA 22 (he refuses to play it on a harder level where he might not win!!) it's already becoming something of an ornament. I find the menus really fussy and over complicated and as you mention - very little younger age games. It's like they're getting to the PS generation that is ageing but forgetting they'll need younger ones too. I never owned a console (other than Atari 2600!) as any gaming I did was always PC so I'm no fan boy of either - but I have to say that so far I massively prefer the oldests XBOX series X to the PS5
Obviously I don't know how old your son is, but Wreckfest is a very fun (and I find, quite satisfying after a long day at work) game. It's got an age rating of 12 because of violence, but the violence element is crashing into other cars. It's essentially the modern day version of destruction derby, although it is more closely linked to flat-out which was a game series on the ps2&3. The vehicles vary from bog standard cars, to combine harvesters, to 3 wheel vans, lawnmowers and motorised sofas. Unfortunately, what let's it down is its lack of split screen multiplayer. It's currently online only for multiplayer. The load times on the PS4 version (which I play) is painfully slow, but the reviews I've read say it loads much quicker on the PS5. Its worth watching some YouTube videos of. The 'complete' version is currently £22.99 on the PS store, which has about 30 more vehicles and 10 more tracks than the normal version (which is £15.99). It's very satisfying to plough into a bunch of 3 wheeled vans in a lorry.
I remember playing Pong in the Seventies … it was magical ! I suppose things have moved on a tad or two or three or …. Was it Atari ?
Long gone are the days where you put a disc in the console & you’re away playing the game within 5 minutes. These days it’s update after update, and everything is online. And as you say PlayStation don’t really cater for young kids as much. You were probably better off getting a Nintendo Switch, a better selection of games for younger players, & much better multiplayer games that the whole family can enjoy.
Have the kids played the built in game Astros Playground? By all accounts it's a great nostalgia trip and a great little game too.