If I was Poya I would book a 1 hr, 1 to 1 meeting with every player. I would show what decision making, execution, mindset, application, physicality each needs. This game should be used with clips to give examples. Make each player accountable for their own game. Some players my need 2 hrs.
Sad thing Icer, is that it would provably take longer than an hour for most of them… he’d still be there on Friday evening
We’ve got a game Wednesday, don’t have time to go through all of the decision making mistakes we’ve made!
Monday morning, if I was Poya, I would sit on a stool, with pencils up my nose, undercrackers over my head and shout WIBBLE at irregular intervals until somebody wheeled me off to an asylum
Honestly couldn't care if we sold the lot apart from morris,mads and williams. Rest can **** off. Play reserves with them. If we get hammered every game it's not much different. Embarassment and it's much worse than any other relegation season
As I recall, he gave away the free kick for their first goal, having slipped. Other than that, I don’t really understand the abuse this young man is getting. Pack mentality almost.
Kitching is a liability. He reminds me of Gerry Taggart with his one-footedness. Thing was Gerry was good in other ways. I'm at a loss as to how a pro footballer can be so lost arranging his feet.
Maybe if you watched the game today you couldn't defend Moon or Kichen . Jesus h Christ fuckibg school boy defending. However you have to question why we can't beat a 10 man team 2 divisions below us. One positive young Ackers had his debut and didn't do much wrong.
Both worst defenders I have ever seen at oakwell mate. Can't run. Can't tackle. No positioning awareness. Awful players
Young Ackers will be the next victim of the cognoscenti if the experience of the past 50-odd years is anything to go by.
I think Sweden under 21 manager is quite lucrative. Why would you sacrifice leading any level of your country to an international tournament for this 5hit show? The man's brain dead but that's my only crumb of comfort.
Do you need to have football qualifications to pass comment on football now on a football message board?