Saved 2 penalties vs Rotherham. Massive crush & only one turnstile open. I used to give a **** back then.
First keeper I remember, always thought he was well old. Turns out he was only 32 in the promotion season under Alan Clarke. A spring chicken compared to the other goalkeeping legend we signed Mike Pollitt
There were a few before. Lars Leese & Dave Watson. Holy Christ. I think we have a great keeper now, but those two were Premier League standard.
We’ve had some shockers too, Paul Malcolm and Gary Copley spring to mind. I think Gary made one appearance in 78/9 and let in three in the last ten minutes. That’s when football was the only thing that mattered.
That is so true, I remember that game from over 40 years ago so vividly. Each goal seeming like a carbon copy of the previous one as we succumbed from 4-1 up in the last few minutes. Thankfully I think that was his only appearance in the promotion winning season.
I used to see Clive Baker most mornings on his way in to Oakwell in his Ford Orion. Always liked him as a keeper, not the tallest but as mentioned on here a great shot stopper.
I was at that 4-4, against Stockport if memory serves. If they'd had a couple more minutes they'd have won it.
First goalkeeper I remember was Roy Ironside. He was pretty poor as I remember and let in a howler on one match that was on TV. A rarity in those days.