Former Labour voter ? Disgusted but will vote Tory next time even if it’s Boris . If that’s true then I despair it seems venting at Johnny Foreigner us more important than lying and deceiving the populace !!
I don't mind that article. It's balanced. People with different opinions, some I agree with, some I don't. Mr Bishop didn't say he'd still be voting Tory, he said that episode wouldn't influence his vote. Maybe he'll still vote Tory, I don't know, but that's not what he said, and if he casts his vote based on policy rather than this episode then good for him. FWIW I'm far more aligned with Ms Myers than the opinion of anyone else, but there are different opinions in this world. This reporter has gone out and spoken to people and reported back what he heard and he hasn't done a hatchet job on his interviewees or the town, he's treated everyone with respect. I think it's a well written public opinion piece.