I sold a perfectly working laptop to one of these companies that buy your old laptops. At the initial offer online they offered £109 which was far more than the next best company who offered £68. So I boxed it up, packed really well with bubble wrap. They received it, tested it, they said it had a black line across the screen, so reduced the offer to £10. So they sent it back to me at my request as there's no way I was accepting that. Turns out it does now have a black line across the screen, so either it was damaged in transit, or Laptops Direct damaged it themselves. Either way, I'm left with a laptop worth considerably less than when I sent it originally. Hoping there's some sort of claim that can be had from the courier, but I don't expect it. There's no way I can prove that it was working perfectly before it went. I won't ever use one of these services again.
Sounds like Webuyanycar.com. Offer you top dollar till you take it in and then reduce the price by about £200 a scratch.
I’ve got a classic car I was thinking of selling. Passing one of them ‘We buy any car’ sheds outside our supermarket I thought for a laugh I’d see what offer they’d make. (I’d no intention of going with them) Anyway, I told them what it was and the bloke said. ‘We don’t buy those.’ Lost for words.
They wouldn’t buy it as they don’t have an avenue to sell them through. All their cars got to BCA to be assessed, cars that can be sold through Cinch etc are sold that way the rest go through the Auctions. Their loss, by sounds of it.
Not said in any condescending way, but treat it as a lesson mate. I got stung on eBay exactly the same years back. Anything I post out now is video's working and keep filming as wrapped. Gives someone the argument "You could have just opened it up after the video finished" argument, but it's better than nothing.
No way would I have sold it to them. But the clue's in the name. We buy ANY Car. Thought about locking him in his shed until he offered me a fiver.
This is so weird. I was randomly thinking about webuyanycar this morning (nothing caused the thought) and I was thinking ‘imagine taking your car to them and them saying they wouldn’t buy it’ and how funny/embarrassing that would be.
I know. I was gobsmacked. I mean they're basically breaking the Trade Description Act. They had to offer me something.
I’ve done big courier contracts at work before. Always clauses in about IT equipment. We used to use secure couriers for any IT stuff.
I suppose that's true, but if Laptops Direct say it was like that when they received it then it was obviously them.